Time span between booking in appt and first scan


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2011
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Hi all!

Had my booking in appt on 20/05/11 but still no date for my 12 week scan..........

Is anyone else still waiting to hear back about theirs?

I don't want to seem pushy and ring the hospital but knowing my history of luck my records have been filed in the "circular" filing tray or floating around in the boot of my midwifes car! :-(

I had my booking in appointment 19/05/11 and im anxiously waiting for the scan date. my friends say i should just ring but i dont want to be a pain.

How long is long enough to wait before calling them? im 12+4 and im desperate to see crumpet (the baby) on the screen

hope your not waiting much longer! xx
I'm not sure if it's different in every area as i've got the date through for my 12 week scan but haven't seen a midwife, had any bloods taken, or anything. I have chased it up and been told that i don't have my booking in appt until the day of my scan. Although 6 months ago when i lived in a different area i seen a midwife at 6 weeks (i unfortunately lost the baby).

If i were you i would definitely give them a call, i don't think that you would seem pushy at all. I ended up phoning a few times in order to get to the bottom of what was going to happen with my appt! xx
I got my scan date before i even saw the midwife!

went to the doc when i got BFP and had my scan date within 10 days......
everywhere must be different.

hope you get it soon huni. x x x x
Think i might give them a call then, thanks for the advice xx
I was waiting ages for my scan date and needed to know for work so I rang them and they gave me it over the phone...ofcourse the letter was 'in the post'.

Good job I rang because that was Friday and my scan is 2moro :))
I received a letter through the post after about 2 weeks x
I had my booking in appointment on the same day as you and down here you have to ring the hospital to book your first scan. It was a bit of a pain as the times printed in the book to ring had been changed! Eventually I got through and my scan is the 20th June so exactly a month after initial appointment. Hope you get yours through soon! X
I'll call and chase it hun, i had my booking in today and have my scan in 2 weeks, but got the appointment through about 2 weeks ago.

I did phone and chase though - just cause i didnt trust my doc to do the referral properly!! You can never be too pushy!!
I was told at my booking appointment yesterday that they don't arrange the scans anymore we have to do it ourselves. So I have to call the hospital on Friday and make the appointment for myself. Will let you all know how that goes! It's different in different parts of the country though. It just depends how your local PCT and hospitals have decided to organise their maternity services.
To all of those who don't like to bother the hospital/midwife's please, please follow my lead! Didn't have any letter from the hospital regarding my scan so finally gave in on Monday and rang them, thank god I did as my appointment was for 12.10 pm the following day! My letter must've gotten lost in the post :roll:

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