Time is standing still


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2010
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Why is time moving so slowly?

Everytime I look at my ticker I can't believe it is still soooooo long until I get to that magic 12 week mark. It feels like forever since I got my BFP but it's only been 2 weeks.

Any advice for how to make time go quicker

I'm afriad that it's exactly the same at this end as well! LOL!! Time just isn't moving anywhere for me either....

hey catty thats what I thought when I was 5 weeks and Im almost hitting my 12 weeks soon and when I look back I think wow wheres the time gone? lol

But yep wolfy im with you that the end bit drags too lol!! Not long and we will all have our bundles!! xxx
i know exactly how you feel, i found out i was pregnant at like 3 weeks so i had to play the waiting game, it felt like it dragged! but wait til you get into like 2nd tri, i have now found myself at 20 weeks! so it will start speeding up, each week that passes you are another week to your due date, thats how i looked at it. and im just over half way now! amazing how quickly it feels like it has gone. before you know it it will be christmas, then it will fly! xxx
It does seem to drag to 12 weeks hun - thing its cause we are always wondering if all ok more until the 12 week scan - it will be here soon hun - have to say the past 2 weeks have flown since the scan so hoping its a sign of things to come for Tri 2 and even Tri 3 x
I feel exactly the same catty - I've just checked and I haven't even had my BFP for 2 weeks yet and it certainly feels like an age! Bring on the 12 week scan! x
You find you are always waiting for appointments and checkups the further along you get. From 12 weeks onwards it's non stop every few weeks so it just flies by.

I was lucky in a way as I didn't realise I was pregnant until 7 weeks. But the midwife thought I was 10 so I went or a scan and wasn't 12 weeks I was 9.

Just relax!

Emma x
i was 2months gone when i found out belive me keep ya self busy and soon time will fly x
The wait to 12 weeks is pretty bad isn't it! Once you start to get more appointments towards the end of tri 2 then time soon speeds up believe me! If you think waiting til 12 weeks is bad tho just hope you don't go over - Cahal was 12 days late, it felt more like 12 years lol!!

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