Time for me to join you lovely ladies!


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2006
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Hello :wave:

So excited to be joining second tri! I look forward to spending the next few months with you all.

In case you don't know me, I am 29 and this is my second baby due Oct 25th. I already have a little boy who is 16 months. 2nd tri was my favourite tri in my last pregnancy and I am definitely hoping to find out the sex at my 20 week scan.

Hope you are all feeling well xxx
:wave: :cheer: Welcome to 2nd tri!
You're right, it is nicer here but is going so quickly- be in 3rd tri before we know it!
Welcome :wave:

I hope you enjoy tri 2 just as much this time around :D
Hello there :wave: look forward to chatting with you.x

lovely to see you here in 2nd tri.

Look forward to hearing what team you are on in due course.

Make yourself comfy, hope you enjoy 2nd tri as much as last time. :D


I must say I am loving 2nd tri as theres alot less worrying and more fun in store!

wecome again!

Hello Lynsey :wave:
Congratulations on your pregnancy and have a happy and comfy 2nd Tri, very best wishes :hug:
Hello Lynsey :wave: You sound like a friendly soul, so you'll fit in well here :D

Glad you've reached here safely and I wish you a happy and healthy 2nd tri. Time to sit back and relax :hug:
Thanks all for making me so welcome. Hope everyone is enjoying the sun today :D
:cheer: :cheer:

Yay....I'm loving all the 1st tri'ers coming over to 2nd tri.

I think it's going to go pretty quick though....can't believe I've been here a week already.

Hope you have a good 2nd tri


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