im joining you.

Little Miss Joslyn

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2005
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Hiya, Im joining you in the second tri. :cheer:

Have been feeling really tired today and was hoping that I would have all this energy.

looking forward to chatting to you

Nic x
Green tea is good for the energy and it's natural. Sainsburys etc should stock a green tea called 'sancha', it's the leafs, in a green chinese looking tube box thingy, it maybe under the organic section if not int he tea section.

Strognly suggest a cup of this in the morning when you get up and a cup when you are feeling tired but don't have time to rest. It naturally gives your body a spurt and is good for stimilation.

Congrats and good luck lady xx
hello and welcome to 2nd trimester, doesnt seem 5 mins since i joined here, but its been nearly 6 weeks now!! :shock:
welcome, =]
hope you enjoy your stay here =]
we are all lovely people.. hehe
frangelle said:
When's your due date? Mines Novermeber 23rd!!!

Im due on 23rd November too frangelle
although my midwife said 24th, hospital said 23rd and private hospital said 21st so im a little confused! :?

Thanks for the warm welcome girls, its weide as I still havent got a bump and you all seem so far gone but will be catching up soon. :wink:

Will have to try that sancha tea Josephine_Beth. Have been drinking pepermint tea but it tastes vile. :puke:
hi hun. enjoy 2nd tri. is so much fun :D

hate to say it, but the energy thing never improved for me :( i hope it does for you though

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