Tilly Update !!! **She's Done It !!!!!!!! first post **

tilly i am sooooooooo pleased for you!! congrats :hug: cant wait to see your little man xxxxxxxxxxx
Congratulations chick on your little man, i bet he's beautifull.
Great weight aswell
can't wait for pics xxx
woooo :cheer: we knew you could do it! we were all sitting here waiting! :D well done hun. :hug: cant wait to read your story and see pictures! :dance: :clap:
woooo :cheer: we knew you could do it! we were all sitting here waiting! :D well done hun. :hug: cant wait to read your story and see pictures! :dance: :clap:
Oh well done lady, am sooo excited for you that you're holding
you're gorgeous baby now :cheer:
Well done Tilly - and 8lb, not too much of a biff after all! Welcome to the world James! :hug:
:cheer: Well done Sarah!! With the size of that bump I was expecting at least a 10lb-er! Can't wait for the first pic of James and the birth story! :hug:
Congratulations and well done :D

Can't wait to see some pics.

Alex xxxx
Wooooooohooooooooo! :cheer:

Only 8lb?! Are you sure? Wow!! Must have all been water after all! Welcome to baby James / Nemo and a huge CONGRATULATIONS to Tilly for delivering him!

Well done! :hug:
Congratulations and well done sarah.

Welcome James cant wait to see pics.

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Well done tilly! :clap: sounds like it was a long one!

Really happy for you and can't wait to see the pics!
Yay huge congrats hun and a lovely weight as well! Can't wait to see the pics :D :cheer:

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