Tightenings : (


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2011
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Hi ladies
I really wanted to seek some advice
From getting up this morning to now I keep experiencing Tightenings which sound like BH's
But I must of had more than 10 today when walking or just sitting
Baby is quite active today too
My lower back is aching started a bit this afternoon but don't know if that's anything or nothing
Any advice would be great xx
I get this all the time and had nothing to worry about so far :) xx
Hi leesey & sarahlouise
Thanks for putting your post up it sounds very similar to how I'm feeling and what I'm experiencing I haven't lost any blood or had any waters leak so might try the bath and see if that helps
I just panicked a little thinking surly I can't be having this many BH's in one day
Thank you both xx
I suppose it's a good sign too as our bodies are preparing for what's coming but I still have a little worry that it's the start of something every time I feel one xx

Yeah I am still having them now they have been on and off all day some really quite strong
Little man needs a bit more time in my tum yet though : ) x
I was worried aswell at the amount I was getting in a dat but midwife said its all normal n don't worry about it :) xx
Well still had Tightenings today they increased to every 7-10 mins
Rang my midwife and got sent to labour suite
Had baby monitors on for about an hour then had swabs done
Was told womb was closed and to take myself off home to rest but if pain got any worse to go straight back
My little man sure knows how to worry mummy and daddy x
Glad everything is fine..I get them all the time no pain just uncomfy.xx

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