Tianna Mai 13/03/2008 6lb 11oz


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2007
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Finally going to get round to writing my story...

On thursday 13th i started to get contractions at about 2am but they were about an hour apart so i paid no attention and went back to sleep..
I got up about 8ish and began to clean up and do the ironing so i was all organised.. By 2pm they were coming every 4 mins so i rang the hospital and was told to come in to be checked over..
When i got there i was put on the monitor and it showed i was having no contractions although i was in pain with them so after a while i was sent home and was told it was just my cervix getting ready for the birth and it could go on for a few days ..
I got home about 5.45pm and was still in pain so took some paracetamol which never helped.. I went and had a shower and went to bed for a bit..Then o/h made me some tea which i ate and went back to bed still in agony..
i couldnt get comfy in bed so got up and decided to phone my mum which by this time it was about 8.30pm. I couldnt speak on the phone and she told me to get back to hospital. So i rang maternity again and they said to come back in .. So i sent my little boy round to the neighbours and off we went again with contractions only 1 min apart and me bent over double in pain..
When we got to the hospital they asked to examine me to which i replied i just wanted something for the pain which they refused until i had been examined.. I nearly died of shock when she said i was 5cm dilated..(no wonder i was in so much pain) So i was taken into a labour room where i was put on gas and air.. and i had to have my intervinus drip of anti-biotics put in my hand for my strep B .. At this point i was in agony so asked for an epidural to which i was told it was too late..
She examined me at about 10.15pm and i was now fully dilated and was told to begin pushing..
I had to end up being cut and having the forceps to help me deliver Tianna as she was back to back and got stuck. She was delivered at 11.04pm . I was being stiched up and began to haemorage so had to have yet another drip . They managed to stop the bleeding and i lost 750ml of blood but didnt need an infusion. I also had to have a blood clot removed .
Tianna was taken off for blood tests for the strep B . I finally got onto the ward at about 4am absolutly shattered..
We had to stay in for 48 hours for her to be monitored. So finally came home on sunday.
She is doing well now and although we arent out of the woods yet with the strep B we are keeping a close eye her but she seems to be coming on well.

I have got to inject myself with some stuff to thin my blood for 6 weeks which i have got used to doing my ave a lovely collection of bruises on my stomach.. sorry about the big image

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