Throw every old wives tale at me


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2010
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This baby has to come NOW!

Have had monitoring today, back for more tomorrow, and if still nothing induction is booked for Friday. This is pretty much my last chance for a home birth - and even then, midwives may refer me to hospital anyway. Even if I do end up in hospital, I'd rather baby arrived under its own steam rather than by induction.

What can I try? I'm DESPERATE!
Sex, Hot Curry, Walking... I tried everything, and when I resigned myself to the fact that it would happen when it was ready to happen, it did :) Although it was the big "O" which flung me into full labour :lol: But was carrying on as normal iykwim? Good luck x
Have you tried a DIY esque sweep, get your OH to have a little prod around up there :lol:
Get stimulating those nipples! And acupressure on the hand seemed to work for me, but OH had to do it pretty hard! Look it up on youtube and it'll show you exactly where to do it. Good luck!!!
Got a ball? Get bouncing!!!! Lots of sex or if you dont feel like it just get your OH to move your cervix around with his finger. x
clary sage oil massaged into bump, but mix it with olive oil first though (5 drops to 2 teaspoons) and put 10 drops in bath! x
Well (tmi warning) the big O has been missing in action for a few weeks now, it's just gone and I can't find it :eek:( Sex just failed as I was too uncomfortable and we tried various options...

OH is making a hot curry at the moment. Been using clary sage oil everyday in the bath, but not tried a massage, will give that a go after the curry, and maybe nipples too! Will bounce until the curry is ready and look up acupressure on youtube. Done a fair bit of walking today (mostly round the supermarket, but it still counts doesn't it?).

Is it safe to mess with my cervix? Not sure I'd be happy doing that...but never say never!

Thanks girls, let me know if you think of anything else!!
Took my aunt when she was a week late and made her walk for the whole day didnt...almost walked for several station cos I tricked them and said am not lost but almost here lol like i know where am the end of the night she had pain for whole night hospital kept sending her back and forth and they gave up and ask her to stay.. anyways next day.. at 1pm she had the baby... What am trying to say do long walking that makes feel knocked out will do the trick.

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