three questions ...Bf ing ,crawling, talking


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2007
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i have three questions ...
first i need help urgently..i am afraid my breast milk is LO is always hungry and i am always feeding...but i have lost my appetite and am forcing my self to is the list of what i eat everyday tell me if this is enough...
Porridge , Orange juice.
soup, 1 portion of rice , vegetables
Fruit salad
Salad, soup, rice

is this enough for my milk production...???

Other questions are short..
when did ur LO start to crawl and when did they start to talk??
I'm BF and my LO is always eating. Your body is just adjusting to what your baby needs. Whenever Angel shows signs of hunger just feed her again. I go from stages of every 3 hours to sometimes every half an hour! It depends on growth spurts and just getting bigger. As long as she has wet nappies then she's not going hungry. You'll soon get into a bit of a routine, but growth spurt days can be draining too. Feels like they never come off your boob.
Since 7 this morning i'm on feed number 5!
Like the others have said constant feeding is completely normal, they live on your boobs for the first few weeks, then every time they have a growth spurt it's the same. Just eat little and often, and remember to snack in between meals!

DS was an early crawler, he started doing the commando-crawl at 5 months 10 days :shock: but didn't get up on his knees until 7 months.

I can't remember when DS said his first words but he's still not really 'talking' now - he's got a few words but it's not obvious what he's saying (unless you're his mummy)!
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LO was crawling at about 7 months although she was working on it for a while before.
Thanks girls...the thought of my millk stopping producing freaks me out ..i want to feed for at least 3 months
Lydia was crawling at 7 months, standing at 8 months, cruising at 10 months, walking solo at 12.5 months.

She talked quite early. By 13 months she could say about 10 words.
By 18 months you could have a proper conversation with her.

Alex is 10 months. He can't crawl or stand. He can say mama, daddy, and clap.
LO being hungry and always seeming to feed sounds normal to me :lol: Your milk supply will work itself out in the next few weeks as you demand feed. Don't deny your LO the boob as he knows when he needs it.

As for crawling and talking, each baby is different. There is no set time. Don't fret if your LO seems to be taking longer than someone elses child. Or does it quicker. They go at their own pace.

My OH was crawling before 5 months and walking at 7 months :shock: The way our son is going now I'm guessing he'll be doing much the same :rotfl:
Jack can crawl, well kind of.. commando style :lol: This is a recent thing too. He's 10 months. He can't pull himself up or walk yet. He says.. Dada, Ta, Yeah & Eh?? :lol:

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