Thoughts on these 'symptoms' please?


New Member
Jul 30, 2007
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Hi everyone,

Was due on Friday just gone 27th, as of today have had 5 days worth of cramping from mild to strong. Each time I run off to the loo and...nothing except a tiny tiny bit of brown almost discharge like.

Also go to the loo quite a lot, breasts are sore and heavy and I feel constantly tired. Few headaches too. Sure I have forgotten a few, feel bloated as I would before a period too but I don't know. Normally when I get to the cramp stage my period would be there in a couple of hours tops.

So any thoughts on the above? Pregnant? Not pregnant? What do you think as I don't want to over react.

Thanks x
If you were due on fri gone you will be able to do a test now. Your symptoms do sound like they could be pg symptoms but the only way to find out is to test.

Good luck and hope you get the result you are hoping for :hug:
I did a test 3/4 days before I was due, obviously it was neg but normally that is too early regardless of what the test kit says.

I am just reluctant to spend money on lots of tests if the symptoms don't even sound close. Do you know what I mean?

Thank you for the reply, you must get no end of these type of questions on this forum
Your symptoms do sound close, but they also sound like AF symptoms too. As that hasn't shown up and it's now Tuesday, it sounds quite promising to me. I tested 2-3 days before my AF was due and got a clear BFN, then tested again 2 days after it was due and got my BFP. Keep us updated!

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