Thought i should do an intro lol

bellybump said:
oooh yay lots of people to say hi to :wave:
thanks for making me welcome!

Bee - i get scared in here haha i dont want to move up, its like going to a new school lol

Alex - we can be bathroom buddies lol, it's horrid isnt it!

Oh I moved up buts it shocking in there :lol:

Don't feel at home yet - I'm sort of between Trimesters at the moment :lol:
i'd say some nibbles too, usually pringles and dip, but i really do feel SOOOOOO bad right now lol i dont think i could handle the smell
Just wanted to say hi bellybump :wave:

If we're having crisps and dip i'll bring dorito's they're my fave

good luck for your scan, you've waited ages for it
only if you change the shape though, the triangle shapes (or any triangle) scares my son :shock: ah well :D

hi and thanks :hug: i want my scan now lol, im on countdown lmao
ok i'll crunch up all the doritos while they're still in the bag, you get more that way anyway :lol:

its nice to see someone on here with a child already - you can give us first-timers advice :D
lol, on pregnancy? i was only allowed to go to 30 weeks, :cry: then he was induced, otherwise, none of us would be here :oops:

but we're both fine now and all should be good now :D i cant help feeling i cheated though, as nurses were on hand for 5 months whilst he was in hospital till he came home. He's officially 15 months now birth wise, but according to his records and his 'adjusted' birth, he's only ten months lol. I love him to bits though, and we're all really excited about having another one!

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