Thomas arrived on thursday 22nd of December at 8.31 pm, weighing 7 pounds 11 for 54 cms.
Contractions started at 4.30 in the morning, feeling like tightenings inside but none outside. at 7.30 am i phoned the hospital to ask if they were contractions but they were not helpful. At 11.30 OH phoned and they told him to stay at home, that it might be just early labour. I started to put the TENS on even though i did not have any tightenings outside but inside it was painful, especially in my lower back. By 2 pm I was in tears, we phoned OH's sister who had a baby 3 months before, she told me it was only BH and I would be in labour for at least 24 more hours!!! by 4pm I was in so much pain with still no hard belly but tightenings in front of lower belly, in lower back and anus, i told OH to take me to hospital. He phoned the hospital and they agreed to see me. Arrived there at 4.30 but my contractions were not regular at all, sometimes I would have 4 contractions in 3 minutes, sometimes 1 every 3 minutes but they always lasted at least 40 seconds!!!! Anyway, they examined me and told me I was 9 cm dilated so no epidural, only gas and air.
I never thought giving birth was so painful and frustrating!!!! The last 2 hours were the worst because it was the pushing, I had to push by my bump as baby was back to back and the head kept poping in and out!!!! they took gas and air from me to make me push harder and god that was painful!!!!
At 8.31 pm, Thomas was born with the help of a kiwi vaccuum. I have a second degree tear (took 45 minutes to stitch), am extremely sore down below.
I came back home yesterday as I did not have any sleep for more than 24 hours, my MIL was here to help us and i managed to get 5 hours sleep, now it is my OH sleeping
Thomas is lovely but was crying a lot, we found out that a dummy is our saviour for the moment as he would not sleep in his basket or cot, only on us. He is sleeping now in his moses basket!!!! Feeding is a bit difficult but he is a hungry lad which is good!!!!
Sorry no picture but OH does not want the baby's pic to be on the site, will see if he changes his mind later on!!!
Thomas has arrived just on time to open his presents lol and is our best present ever
Merry Christmas to all of you!!!!
Thomas arrived on thursday 22nd of December at 8.31 pm, weighing 7 pounds 11 for 54 cms.
Contractions started at 4.30 in the morning, feeling like tightenings inside but none outside. at 7.30 am i phoned the hospital to ask if they were contractions but they were not helpful. At 11.30 OH phoned and they told him to stay at home, that it might be just early labour. I started to put the TENS on even though i did not have any tightenings outside but inside it was painful, especially in my lower back. By 2 pm I was in tears, we phoned OH's sister who had a baby 3 months before, she told me it was only BH and I would be in labour for at least 24 more hours!!! by 4pm I was in so much pain with still no hard belly but tightenings in front of lower belly, in lower back and anus, i told OH to take me to hospital. He phoned the hospital and they agreed to see me. Arrived there at 4.30 but my contractions were not regular at all, sometimes I would have 4 contractions in 3 minutes, sometimes 1 every 3 minutes but they always lasted at least 40 seconds!!!! Anyway, they examined me and told me I was 9 cm dilated so no epidural, only gas and air.
I never thought giving birth was so painful and frustrating!!!! The last 2 hours were the worst because it was the pushing, I had to push by my bump as baby was back to back and the head kept poping in and out!!!! they took gas and air from me to make me push harder and god that was painful!!!!
At 8.31 pm, Thomas was born with the help of a kiwi vaccuum. I have a second degree tear (took 45 minutes to stitch), am extremely sore down below.
I came back home yesterday as I did not have any sleep for more than 24 hours, my MIL was here to help us and i managed to get 5 hours sleep, now it is my OH sleeping
Thomas is lovely but was crying a lot, we found out that a dummy is our saviour for the moment as he would not sleep in his basket or cot, only on us. He is sleeping now in his moses basket!!!! Feeding is a bit difficult but he is a hungry lad which is good!!!!
Sorry no picture but OH does not want the baby's pic to be on the site, will see if he changes his mind later on!!!
Thomas has arrived just on time to open his presents lol and is our best present ever
Merry Christmas to all of you!!!!