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Thomas Henry, born 2nd September 2007 @ 6.50pm
This was my second child and as Abigail was C-section birth I planned on having a VBAC. With Abigail I was very determined to have a natural birth with gas and air only but it went very different and I failed to progress and after 24hrs had a c-section. I really needed to try as second time to deliver this baby but I had an open mind about pain relief and trusting the experience of the midwives.
So, 15 days early @ 10pm whilst eating a curry (!) I began with mild contractions. They were ok, every half an hour. I tried to go to bed but they disturbed my sleep and by 1am they were every 10min. I sat on my birthing ball and watched TV with candles on until about 3 am and then had a bath which really helped. OH then got up and helped me through. By 6am I started using the tens machine and the pain increased, contractions every 3-5 minutes. I became more vocal and woke my toddler who was a little distressed by my pain so we all got ready and dropped her off at MIL and headed to hospital. I could have managed to stay at home a little longer but was told I could go in early because of being a VBAC. When I arrived at the hospital the contractions did ease off as they do, and after being examined was told I hadnt dilated at all. With Abigail I managed to get to 4cm when I go to the hospital, so when I hadnt started dilating I was so embarrassed and disappointed. The midwife said my cervix was behind his head. They said I could stay for a few hours to see if I progressed or I could go home. I went home by 7am. Then the labour kicked in. OH asked my mum to come and give more moral support. She helped me for a few hours, rubbing my back and put on some relaxing music and talking about different things to take my mind of the pain. OH kept encouraging me to breathe and not scream. That really helped with the pain. Increased the tens machine and contractions were every 2 minutes for about 40 seconds to a minute. The midwife said come back when they were for 1 minute. I hung on until 12noon and then we went back. Got to the hospital and the midwife said the cervix was still behind his head, so she went in there and pulled it forward!!! Not nice, but I didnt care, so then I was 4cm!!! Yay. They broke my waters and then contractions really began to get worse. I was settled in and got gas and air. I felt like I could manage better now I had more pain relief. I had to be monitored because of the previous c-section, but the midwives were great and they let me be as mobile as I wanted so I was leaning on the bed and walking around the room as much as I could. It was good to see the contractions on the monitor, they were increasing from around 40% at first and then went up to 60 - 70%. I could watch them come and prepare by taking the gas and air. Then at about 4pm I had reached 6cm, and felt I needed more pain relief. I was offered Diamorphine and accepted that! I didnt actually feel any relief so perhaps the contractions had got worse and the drugs were helping. So, with Diamorphine, gas and air and the tens machine on full I was able to cope and at about 5.30pm I was 10cm and expressed the desire to go home because I had had enough!!! I had made it to fully dialated I was so pleased. I began to push and the gas and air was taken away for me to concentrate. Because my contractions were on a monitor my OH said they were now coming 100% and almost seconds in-between. He said it must have been the hardest time but I actually felt it was easier because I could do something with the contraction. So after an hour of pushing I was seen by the consultant. I was only given an hour because of the previous c-section. The consultant said baby wasnt coming out and he wanted to use a ventous. So they pulled him out and the cord was wrapped around his body which is why he was struggling to make progress of coming out. The midwife said if I had longer I would have pushed him out but I didnt have time on my side. So along with a cut perineum and stitches I had a beautiful 9lb 15 and half oz baby!!! AND I GAVE BIRTH TO HIM! I am only 5ft 2 and I had a nearly 10lb baby. I was so happy and proud with myself. It all went well and I gave birth. Thomas is a great baby and the whole experience was brilliant. I have bonded really well with him and its so much easier to get around this time. The stitches and down below isnt all that comfy but I can do so much more, including picking up my baby and toddler. I am feeling better much quicker than last time. I am pleased I made the decision to have a VBAC but just really just wanted everything to be ok with the baby and birth whichever way it happened. I now just wonder how big would he have been if he had been on time
Thats my story!!
This was my second child and as Abigail was C-section birth I planned on having a VBAC. With Abigail I was very determined to have a natural birth with gas and air only but it went very different and I failed to progress and after 24hrs had a c-section. I really needed to try as second time to deliver this baby but I had an open mind about pain relief and trusting the experience of the midwives.
So, 15 days early @ 10pm whilst eating a curry (!) I began with mild contractions. They were ok, every half an hour. I tried to go to bed but they disturbed my sleep and by 1am they were every 10min. I sat on my birthing ball and watched TV with candles on until about 3 am and then had a bath which really helped. OH then got up and helped me through. By 6am I started using the tens machine and the pain increased, contractions every 3-5 minutes. I became more vocal and woke my toddler who was a little distressed by my pain so we all got ready and dropped her off at MIL and headed to hospital. I could have managed to stay at home a little longer but was told I could go in early because of being a VBAC. When I arrived at the hospital the contractions did ease off as they do, and after being examined was told I hadnt dilated at all. With Abigail I managed to get to 4cm when I go to the hospital, so when I hadnt started dilating I was so embarrassed and disappointed. The midwife said my cervix was behind his head. They said I could stay for a few hours to see if I progressed or I could go home. I went home by 7am. Then the labour kicked in. OH asked my mum to come and give more moral support. She helped me for a few hours, rubbing my back and put on some relaxing music and talking about different things to take my mind of the pain. OH kept encouraging me to breathe and not scream. That really helped with the pain. Increased the tens machine and contractions were every 2 minutes for about 40 seconds to a minute. The midwife said come back when they were for 1 minute. I hung on until 12noon and then we went back. Got to the hospital and the midwife said the cervix was still behind his head, so she went in there and pulled it forward!!! Not nice, but I didnt care, so then I was 4cm!!! Yay. They broke my waters and then contractions really began to get worse. I was settled in and got gas and air. I felt like I could manage better now I had more pain relief. I had to be monitored because of the previous c-section, but the midwives were great and they let me be as mobile as I wanted so I was leaning on the bed and walking around the room as much as I could. It was good to see the contractions on the monitor, they were increasing from around 40% at first and then went up to 60 - 70%. I could watch them come and prepare by taking the gas and air. Then at about 4pm I had reached 6cm, and felt I needed more pain relief. I was offered Diamorphine and accepted that! I didnt actually feel any relief so perhaps the contractions had got worse and the drugs were helping. So, with Diamorphine, gas and air and the tens machine on full I was able to cope and at about 5.30pm I was 10cm and expressed the desire to go home because I had had enough!!! I had made it to fully dialated I was so pleased. I began to push and the gas and air was taken away for me to concentrate. Because my contractions were on a monitor my OH said they were now coming 100% and almost seconds in-between. He said it must have been the hardest time but I actually felt it was easier because I could do something with the contraction. So after an hour of pushing I was seen by the consultant. I was only given an hour because of the previous c-section. The consultant said baby wasnt coming out and he wanted to use a ventous. So they pulled him out and the cord was wrapped around his body which is why he was struggling to make progress of coming out. The midwife said if I had longer I would have pushed him out but I didnt have time on my side. So along with a cut perineum and stitches I had a beautiful 9lb 15 and half oz baby!!! AND I GAVE BIRTH TO HIM! I am only 5ft 2 and I had a nearly 10lb baby. I was so happy and proud with myself. It all went well and I gave birth. Thomas is a great baby and the whole experience was brilliant. I have bonded really well with him and its so much easier to get around this time. The stitches and down below isnt all that comfy but I can do so much more, including picking up my baby and toddler. I am feeling better much quicker than last time. I am pleased I made the decision to have a VBAC but just really just wanted everything to be ok with the baby and birth whichever way it happened. I now just wonder how big would he have been if he had been on time

Thats my story!!