Wow, next week!! thats so exciting!!!
I just finished reading Ina May's book on childbirth and there are loads of tips in there to get labour going naturally if doctors are wanting to use chemical drips to bring on labour (she's totally against that so there are loads of ideas) *flicks through pages* right...
- If you get into hospital next week and labour hasnt started, getting them to break your waters before putting you on a drip (although once your waters are broken they set the clock tocking and you HAVE to have your baby within 24 hours or they start panicking about infection - in her book there was one woman who went over and refused a c-section by convincingthem to give her antibiotics to prevent infection as she really wanted a natural birth, and it worked.)
-lots of bonking
human semen is a natural source of the same chemical they use to soften your cervix in inductions in hospital, so make sure your OH has a REALLY good time! lol, your cervix softens gradually then which makes labour more natural.
-nipple stimulation (your midwife was right!!) makes you release hormones which stimulate contractions (also happens during sexy time so your OH has to make sure YOU have a REALLY good time as well
think your body releases loads if you have a big O) I have to quote this cos Im laughing so much "If stimulating one nipple only doesnt yield the desired efect, stimulate both simultaneously"
A breast pump does the same thing if your OH is too tired from all the bonking!!
- castor oil. Be careful, it only works cos its a laxative. theres not much research on whether it works or not but its safe so why not try! Ina May gives it after breakfast if the woman has had a good nights sleep (one table spoon and another an hour later if the laxatives havent kicked in lol )
-having a sweep. your midwife can do this. Basically mess with your cervix a bit to get it going! before they introduce any chemicals to your system.
Have fun!!! BTW are you taking rosehip tea? Its supposed to be really good for the muscles of your uterus and makes contractions stronger and more effective so youre not in labour as long.