This time next week i could have my baby :D

laura dec 1988

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2009
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:shock:Hello ladies, :)

Im so crap with keepin up to date on everything and my bloody dongle broke to had to get another one:wall2:, so thought id post see how u all are and just to let u know.....drum rooooollllllll

Im gettin induced this thurs when ill be 38 weeks :) Jesus im so scared and excited and and every other feelin haha:lol::dance::roll:. They wreckon im looking at 9lbs wich i can cope with i think lol its a good weight anywa:lol:y, had a lot of tightnings and aches and pains and 2 shows but no bloody baby lol so they decided that as she is "biggish" and obviously ready to come there gunna start me off. :shock::lol::dance::dance:


Anyone got any advice on induction of labour please??

i haven't got any advice i'm afraid on induced labour but just wanted to say glad everything is going well, days, that's nothing!!! can't wait to read your birth story (i hope you write one :D:D)

have you hought about any pain relief? xx
ill be writing one dont you worry :)

Yeah im gunna have gas and air and see how i go. Im hoping not to have an epidural, but i dunno wot the pain is gunna be like :( so i dunno yet!! wot u doin about pain control hun??

yaaay :yay: glad you're doing well!
i bet you're super happy to be so close to having her in your arms!
my MW told me to drinjk loads of pineapple juice and take long walks with my dogs :D
also my mum told me that she was scrubbing the floor on her hands and knees when her waters broke with my youngest sister so maybe try one of those to get you going haha, good luck and i hope she makes a move on her own!!
oh good, i look forward to reading it laura!! i'm the saaame with pain relief, gas and air sounds like safest option, and i'm gonna try birthing pool, but if it gets unbearable i will opt for an epidural as it's supposed to be happiest day of your life, don't want to be squirming with pain!! again, good advice with pineapple juice and walking dogs rach! lol never have good advice like that! xx
WOW! Next week! That's crazy! So excited for you! I'm sure you'll be fine hun! x
yeah thanks Rach :)

Well iv been havin long walks in the park with the weather been good :) and bouncin on the excerise ball loads, had a few hot curries too.

Your both gunna laugh but my mw told me to play with my nipples too hahahaah its proven to bring on labour hahah.

Lots of sex too! started many women off on here hehe. Good luck honey
wow playing with your nipples!! that's mad, i'll be trying that one just out of curiousity! lol xx
Wow this is so exciting - days away now. Good luck, can't wait for your birth story and pictures of your baby girl. Will be keeping an eye out for news of progress with you. If you need anyone to update a thread for you next week i'm happy to give you my mobile number and update on here for you. But either way lots of love xx
i've heard that, it's the stimulation that releases hormones that helps labour start or something hahah :lol:
hahaha i'll prolly give it a go to if i'm honest, no harm in trying but i'll prolly leak all over my hands :rofl:
hahah. You know what my boobs have not grown hardly at all....GUTTED!!! lol

I was a 34D and now im a 36DD....not a lot of growth at all.

Oh and iv put bloody 3 and a half stone on u know?

mine have gone up a cup from a DD to and E i feel like bloody jordan at times!
i think i've put some weight on my legs and thighs but thats about it!
ohh i'm not surprised laura your girl is massive haha!
haha i know im a big mamma. Its strange though b4 pregnancy i was a size 10 bottom and 12ish top.

Iv put all this weight on but im only still a size 12/14 bottoms and i get long or floaty tops in size 14's.

Serious diet and detox when i have had the lil lady:)


p.s i was thinkin i might take my laptop into hosp with me and keep u all updated it might take a while to start me off so ill probs be sat bored....wot u think?
Mine have gone from D to G - bras gonna be tight when milk come in - you girls are all so close its like birth dating hehe
Any of you others niggling?
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:love: Aww Laura a little May baby :) Best of luck hun :hug:

Do you need toask us whether to take your laptop in :rofl: OF COURSE :lol: So excited for you hun xx
Mine have gone from D to G - bras gonna be tight when milk come in - you girls are all so close its like birth dating hehe
Any of you others niggling?

heheh birth dating, i like that!!
no niggles here yet, i have a feeling she'll be overdue!!

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