This poor baby - what goes on around the world

So horrific :(

I can't put into works what I'm feeling right now. My heart breaks for children in these sorts of positions.
omg thats disgusting! Its soo awful that these poor completely defenceless children are at the mercy of such monsters!
I find it so distressing - I hope this didnt upset anyone too much but I wanted to post it. Im glad that he is on the mend and I hope that he doesnt have any lasting damage.
How can people act like this, this is dreadful, I can't even put into words the rage i feel at the moment
I don't know what to say! I'm gob smaked. It makes me sick to think about what poor children suffer through these days. Our children are so lucky to have parents who love and care for them and my heart goes out to the ones that don't have that xx
oh god that horrible!! at least it was found sooner so he is now on the road to recovery x
i dont wanna read it but im guessing its awful..

i dont think i could handle seeing a baby in distress at moment with my circumstances , some very disrespectful people out there x
i couldnt even get past the title..

horrific.. so upsetting..
That story is just horrendous!! Reminds me of the dispatches programme about Africa's Witch Children, poor wee souls!!

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