this is what i was originally looking for...

Hmm, this sounds rediculous, I don't think having a breath test will encourage any smoker to stop. What are the midwives going to do if they do find out you're smoking, camp on your doorstep lecturing? Hang a sign around your neck? People make decisions about their health every day, some of them aren't so good but all they can do is keep you informed about the guidelines and the risks. People will just end up not going to their midwife and not getting the essential care they need. I think midwifes and other health professionals have other more important things to focus on!
that's my problem with it really, sure pregnant women should quit, but the role of a midwife should be supportive in helping you to quit, not someone trying to catch you out all the time, and you're right I'm sure they have bigger fish to fry!
I used to smoke, but as soon as I got my BFP I quit. Way easier than most I imagine though, as my body helped me out a bit and made me gag at the meer thought of a cigerette lol. I dont agree with smoking during pregnancy but this is rediculous! And the way they phrased it in the article, 'the mothers who fail the test' just found out your expecting and your being told your failing already!!! Surely, as megsmeadow has said, they have more important things to focus on. Silly government.
Hehe, that's far more concise than my reply! Just what I meant though :)

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