this is the weekend for me


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2007
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Im due for af this weekend, she doesn't feel on her way yet but i done a hpt on thursday and it was neg so i'm sure she's on her way.. I've been late a few days for the last few months so i really dont expect it this month at all... I dont feel preggers... I've been having an achy crampy feeling since about 3 or 7 days past ov which has been different but this will just be yet another thing to add to my diary as a new pre af symptom im sure... god dam it... lol... i feel quite happy today even tho i know she's gonna turn up.. la la la
Hey hunnie xx Good luck and I hope she doesnt show up and you get ur BFP!!!
Good luck hope you get your BFP.

I didnt feel pregnant when I got my positive, I was convinced AF was about to show I had all the symptoms. Whereas the month previous I was convinced I was pregnant!!

Hope you get that result!!
I dont mind this month to be honest, i think if i was that my test on thursday would have showed a bfp but it didn't so i kinda know im not if you know what i mean... but thanks girlies.x..
Hope you get your BFP!

I'm the same as you...AF due yesterday, did test weds and yesterday, both BFN :( But still no AF. Have had AF type cramps which have gone away...when I've had that before, I was pg. But like you, I think it would have shown up on HPT by now :wall: :wall: :wall:

Still staying positive until AF rears her ugly head!!!

Good luck!
Oooh, fingers crossed for you honey... Im sooo tired today, didn't go to bed till 12.30 and up and 8.30 tho so thats why, plus i always get like this just before af comes, tired and really weak.... i need my bed BIG TIME.....
when did your af cramps come? that was the only difference for me this month, never had it that long before af was due ever.. Plus for the last few months i've spotted a few days before and nothing this time.. My boobs dont really hurt tho and normally they feel like their gonna fall off they hurt that bad... hmmm.. who knows, im sure i'll be back on here telling you all that she got me..
Fingers crossed u get ur BFP!!!

K x
:pray: Fingers crossed that you get your BFP, my af is due tomorrow but i dont feel as though she will arrive, i have had cramps and been feeling sick on and off all week but they have gone today, i am gonna try and wait before i do a test, dont want to get my hopes up then get a BFN.

Good luck hun, i hope she dont show up for you and you get a BFP!!!

Very best wishes :pray:
well as soon as got home yesterday i started spotting so i know its all over for me yet again this month, i now have to go and have lasor treatment tomo too so i cant try for the next 4-6 weeks either... gonna be into a year of trying soon.. Why am i not getting pregnant, i just dont get it, im quite healthy and only 27...
oh hun :hug: sometimes there's just no reason why it takes a while :(

one of my sisters was only 24, very fit and healthy, did everything you're meant to, and it took her over 12 months. She had just started having all the tests etc when she found out she was pregnant. There was never anything wrong, just pure luck.

Second time she did it the first month

I'm never sure whether I would rather find out there's nothing wrong with me - it's just taking a while because it is. Or I'd rather the doctor find something that they can possibly help.
Hmmm, it just gets you really down at times eh.. well its probably a good thing im not at the mo anyway as i really should get these ab cells removed without delaying it a futher 9 months or so so maybe its my bodies way of saying wait till you get yourself sorted and try again when your better... or something...
I know - some months it's not a huge things and others it seems like the end of the world :hug:

perhaps your body does want you to wait until all is sorted

I know that every month I feel there must be a reason for not this month - had I got my bfp the first month or the second or anywhere up to last month I wouldn't have got my new brilliant job. I wouldn't have had the chance to lose some weight again, and I would have developed the condition I had last month and not been able to have any pain relief :shock: so each month - find something good

Now I need to follow my own advice - having a down day too - but it'll pass :hug:

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