this is driving me nuts...


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2007
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still no sign of AF..
i'm 9days late but i'm waiting until the wkend 2 test and if still a BFN i'm off 2 the doc's..

this nausea is driving me insane.. i'm sure it's getting worse..
i'm sat here feeling as if i'm gonna :puke: ..

i thought i was gonna :puke: last nite after supper it was awful hubby had taken me out to our fav resturant and i had my usual and man afterward i had 2 leave really quick cuz i thought i was gonna :puke: it back up..

man i hate this feeling...

i'm just hope all this sickness feeling is a good sign and not just my body playing tricks on me..

i hope it doesn't last long cuz i don't think i can last much longer without chocolate.. i can't believe that chocolate makes me feel sick i can't even think about it let alone look at it without feeling sick..
this is hard..

hope all u girls r ok

:hug: :hug: :hug:

if i was you i would def have tested by now, bu thats because i am so impatient!
i tested on sunday and it was a BFN plus i tested with a digi yeterday and it came up with NOT PREGNANT..

i'm feeling sicker by the minute here..
Hi :wave:

Although you have tested and it was a BFN it does sound good. You seem to be having the symptoms and AF hasn't shown up. One of my friends had a bfn all the way through her pregnancy.. she was convinced she was pregnant but kept putting her trust in the tests... until she went into labour on her mother's living room floor! But that's another story... what i'm trying to say is that some women have a bfp much much later than others. Good luck and i'm :pray: for you :hug:
Aww, hun I know how it feels.
I'm late for AF too, and have had nothing but negative results.

Hope you have more luck the next time you test, and if not get yourself to the docs!! :D
Why dont you try some of the cheaper tests? i wasnt getting a result on the digitals but got faint lines on others which are now getting stronger by the day :hug:
well i brought some of the cheap tesco's tests so i'm gonna c wot i get of those..

thanx girls....
Hoping you got a BFP and you're still busy celebrating :hug: :hug:
BFN.... :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: ...

why am i still getting BFN's when i have all the symptoms... :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

i don't know if i can take anymore of this..

i'm gonna c the dr 2moz....

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