This is completly off topic but..


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2007
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I bought a Bed off littlewoods for my OH last July, from day one we had trouble with them, not delivering when said, and i'd taken days off work to stay in..

Anyway bed finally arrived, spent several hours puttin it up, seemed to be missing few parts. not important tho..

Anyway, after just 2days of it being up, it collapsed down the middle, i'm only average height weight etc.. we both are..

Anyway.. so we told them, and after weeks, they said theyd collect it.. and replace with new one..

Anyway they didnt collect it, took several days off work, and they didnt bother to show up.. so in end gave up.. not heard off them in months and now they just sent me a letter saying i owe them £560 includes charges for not paying since last july!

this is last thing i need, i already so worried about money. i live in family house, and there threatening to come round and take goods from my house, i cant afford to pay this,

what would you do? x
Contact CAB and look into your consumer rights online.

And get back on the phone with them and put the ball back in their court. Tell them they agreed to collect the faulty bed and never did etc.

The thing is, if you've missed payments etc depending on their contract with you they may be in the right and able to claim. However, if you can't afford to pay the lump sum then offer to pay a much lesser amount each month and it should keep them off your back.

Is the bed still under warranty? If so claim on that but be prepared to have to negotiate a repayment plan with them.

But, and this is the but, you really should follow up anything like this at the time of fault etc. Chase them, write letters, send emails etc. Anything to back up your case and show they were at fault. As you left it and didn't chase them up on collecting it, you may find you don't have much else you can do now.
hey chick thanks for your reply.. my last contact with them was Febuary..

But before then each week i phoned, and wrote various emails, and send recorded delivery letters :)

well on case hehe:)

i've spoke to them, in process of arranging yet another collection..

thanks for responding, i'll let you know outcome xxx

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