This is a serious question...


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2010
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Iv wanted to ask this for ages but didnt want to sound stupid :blush:
If for any reason you had to have a ceserian can you ask them to cut a bit of ur flabby tummy of (if u have one) at the same time as stitching you up?
I don't want a ceserian but for any reason had to have one, may as well make my tummy nice a flat at the same time?!
or is it not as simple as i think? :blush:
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I think they would consider this plastic surgery and therefore wouldn't do it under NHS. If you were having the baby through a private clinic then you could request it... But not with nhs.

Don't forget that thy woul have to reposition your belly button and what not, so it's quite a big surgery when you've got a baby to tend to. Plus your uterus needs to shrink and everything so I think you could risk the tuck going wrong... Or not looking right. Think they ask you to wait a little bit after birth before found a tuck. Gives everyhing a little time to settle and repostion itself.
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:good: I aim to please Lexi :lol:

But dammit, i thought it would just be a quick snip & all done. Oh well.
Oh what a good idea! I don't see why not -"while you're down there mate!"
They won't do it nowadays cos the cut is so discreet anyway but a woman I used to work wiv had 3 c sections in the days wen they did vertical cuts and wen she had the final 1 she asked the surgeon if he'd 'tidy' her up a bit but mainly cos her stomach had 2 big vertical scars down so he did the 3rd then cut away the previous 2 to leave 1 scar xx
Hm wonder if when they stitch up an episiotomy you can ask for a couple extra stitches? lol
When they have to cut you 'down there' to give baby more room to escape...

We had a slight issue where I did my student placements with some women asking for an Episiotomy when they didn't actually need one, purely to try and be tighter after the birth...
Haha Momma Kat, bit of 'designer vagina' OH would love that idea I'm sure! He keeps asking if he'll 'fit' afterwards hehe :)

Lilly- my mum had a tummy tuck and trust me it's major! She couldn't do anything for much longer than 6 weeks. Think your body will have been through enough trauma to have to cope with that too :p

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