This has really annoyed me


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2005
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Omg have just been reading this and i am so annoyed


I am not usually a very judgemental person but i just want to shake these 2

They are just popping kids out but its ok 'cos thay don't have to pay for them :x

Sorry if i upset anyone by this but i am so mad about it

If people want to have children they should damn well make sure they can afford them and not expect everyone else to foot the bill

I mean a 4 bed house for gods sake and there are people on this forum who are trying to get 2 bed houses and the council won't help, so should we all just stop working and doss about to get the things we want/need?

No we don't as we have put great thought into how we bring up ouur children and we work damn hard to do it and some of us are worse of for it
aren't they the couple that were on that 'teen mums & dads' the other night?

how the hell has she got her kids £150 worth of pressies each already on the benefits they recieve? they don't even get that much benefit.
i havn't got one xmas pressie yet, i have to do it in bits & bobs due to money?

we struggle weekly with 4 children to support & my hubby works full time, so how do they manage?
I think that is the same couple that were on the teenage mums and dads programme the other week.
Makes me so bloody mad! Most of us have to struggle to make sure our families are fed and clothed but these two pop out more babies and all our taxes pay for them! Oh yeah he's so ill but he can keep up with his baby making job ok! They get a 4 bedroom house for nothing and I'm sat struggling living with my mum and brother because we can't afford a house. Just makes me so angry! In an ideal world we'd all like to sit on our arse at home and get things handed to us but it doesn't happen and if you want to have a child you should make sure you can afford one! Idiots!
I didn't watch the Teen mums and dads thing

I mean ok i don't work to look after Jack and i didn't with Emily
But we are by no means loaded we live week to week, we don't claim benifits either execpt the usual tax credits (what a laugh!!)

i didn't read it all as i was spitting mad
£150 of pressies for each child already wtf?????
I am just getting little bits as and when i can, for gods sake i bought my wrapping paper and cards in january as they were just pennies

I would love to know the total of benifits they get a year including house paid for

It makes me sick it really does :x
Fair play to them when he had a job...although I don't agree with planning the 1st at 15 but planning a baby when your in a stable job is okay...but when he finished working no more children should of been planned I don't think :?

I have live don benifits before for just myself and oh my goodness, if they screw up you are seriously screwed...we went without money for about 6 weeks before!!!
Yes they are the same couple that were in the show.
I'm not commenting on this because none of you will agree.
Sami hun, please don't feel you can't comment

I'd love to know what you think :D
I have only browsed through the article but good on the young mum for sitting her exams last year, it sounds to me like they will return to full time work when the guy's condition improves and when her kids are a bit older.
I read it that they had both previously worked - the article doesn't say how long they've been on benefits either so I don't feel angry at them at all.

Don't you still pay rent with a council house?

Jo, it's not that I feel I can't comment, I just don't like arguing and things like this can turn into arguments very quick :lol:

But here is my opinion then, I've copied and pasted it from the britains youngest mum's and dad's thread, because it says exactly what i wanted to say (hope you don't mind).

Sami said:
Suzie and Dax, well people may not agree with me here, but me and Mark were financially buggered when I fell pregnant with Damien, and when we moved into our house, we were god knows how much money short a month, but we did it, and we live off alot of benefits (for Damien's illness). Arthritis can make lots of jobs very hard, and potentially dangerous if his hands become bad (my mum has had it for years and years since she was 30). I think good luck to them personally, and if they want a big family, then who are we to say they can't?! They were the best parents there, and £1500 a month isn't alot, when you have five kids to divide that by, plus 2 adults, bills, etc. We wouldn't cope on that a month just the 3 of us.


I think people judge all too quick, and in my town, EVERYONE treats me like I'm a 14 year old mum, single, living off the government, and I've got to say, look at it from the other side. How would you of reacted at that age to become a mother? That programme brought up alot of emotions, but all them mums need support, just like we do. Having a child is traumatic, stressful, and when you have teenage hormones to contend with aswell, I think I would be pretty messed up too.

I'm not saying you're wrong to have your opinions, but these are mine, and being in my position I see it from the other side. Just remember TV programmes (and news articles!) are great at editing things so that they show in only a certain way.

The last bit is related to all the people shown on that programme, but I feel it makes sense still in this situation.

Lucy, the council pays your full rent if your on full benifits, we get about 32% of our rent paid for us for different reasons and because of certain benefits we get.
jo said:
Omg have just been reading this and i am so annoyed


I am not usually a very judgemental person but i just want to shake these 2

They are just popping kids out but its ok 'cos thay don't have to pay for them :x

Sorry if i upset anyone by this but i am so mad about it

If people want to have children they should damn well make sure they can afford them and not expect everyone else to foot the bill

I mean a 4 bed house for gods sake and there are people on this forum who are trying to get 2 bed houses and the council won't help, so should we all just stop working and doss about to get the things we want/need?

No we don't as we have put great thought into how we bring up ouur children and we work damn hard to do it and some of us are worse of for it

I agree - my hubby works 70+ hours a week to keep us above water!
and yet we are paying for their house etc.

If they go back to work then great! - i'm sure there is some job that he could do. i hope that they will go back to supporting them selves... as there are so many people out there screwing the system and getting away with it.
Do you know what Sami? I am really glad you posted that

£1500 a month is not a lot of money to live on at all, I know we couldn't

What annoyed me when i read the article is that they are planning in their 6th child with no way of supporting it except benefits, and age doesn't come into it as far as i am concerned

I feel that it is irresponsible to expect other people to pay for you to look after your children

Damians allowance is a differant thing completley

I don't begrudge people benifits if they need them and to be honest we could all do with help at some point

They do seem responsible people to a certain point, she has sat a exams and has a qualification, but these will be outdated by the time the youngest is at school for her to work

If she goes to work before then she will get yet more help with childcare, a lot more than many people do and thats what really gets me
Obviously his arthritis isnt that chronic.....
My mum has arthritus in her hands and it stops her working some days, hers isnt that bad but some days its bad ebnough that it would put her and the old people she cares for in danger. Just because he has kids doesnt mean he can work.

EDIT also, the doctor/health proffesional/physio who look safter Dax HAS to sign the forms and agree to him getting the allowance, just as we had to with Damien he had to get his paediatrtion and HV to sign the forms to confirm he was ill enough to be on the benefit and for me to be at home to provide the extra care he needs, especially at night/when asleep.
You see i have thought about this a lot since i first posted and i realise everything is not black and white in these cases

It is obvious Dax is suffering with his arthritus and saying that, he couldn't be sole carer of the children as it wouldn't be safe on the days it is really bad

To me though it makes more sense not to have 6 children, but saying that in the news paper report it doesn't say how long he has been signed off work
so these children could have been planned when he was earning and it is just bad luck he has had to stop work

It has made me realise from your posts Sami that the papers just basically wanted the reaction i gave on here, and to give this couple a really hard time

I still think 6 children is a lot when not working but i don't know the whole story
jo said:
Do you know what Sami? I am really glad you posted that

£1500 a month is not a lot of money to live on at all, I know we couldn't

What annoyed me when i read the article is that they are planning in their 6th child with no way of supporting it except benefits, and age doesn't come into it as far as i am concerned

I feel that it is irresponsible to expect other people to pay for you to look after your children

Damians allowance is a differant thing completley

I don't begrudge people benifits if they need them and to be honest we could all do with help at some point

They do seem responsible people to a certain point, she has sat a exams and has a qualification, but these will be outdated by the time the youngest is at school for her to work

If she goes to work before then she will get yet more help with childcare, a lot more than many people do and thats what really gets me

The qualificatiosn thing is an issue I'm facing aswell, all I have acheived is going to be totally irrelevant when Damien and sibling grow up, I'll have to retrain, but ah well :lol:

I know it must sound mad to plan another child when they only live on benefits, but if they are happy, why shouldn't they be allowed to bring up the family they want so badly? Yes the tax payers all do thier bit to pay for this, etc, blah blah blah. We all work our bollocks off to provide for our family's, My OH works his damn arse off for us aswell.

I know it's hard to see people want so many kids and just expect to be handed things on a plate when we all try so so hard to have nice houses, dress our kids nicely, and have a fairly comfortable life, but I just feel these people are bringing up their kids so well that if I was a friend of theirs I would find it hard not to support them. I do infact have a friend (who is 30 though not 20 odd) who is pregnant now with her 4th child, neither her or her partner work (she never has) and he can't work. They live entierly off benefits but I see nothing wrong with the way they live. Not exactly the same circumstances of why they live the way they do, it wasn't completely choice, but it's the same thing overall. They live off benefits and wanted more kids.
jo said:
You see i have thought about this a lot since i first posted and i realise everything is not black and white in these cases

It is obvious Dax is suffering with his arthritus and saying that, he couldn't be sole carer of the children as it wouldn't be safe on the days it is really bad

To me though it makes more sense not to have 6 children, but saying that in the news paper report it doesn't say how long he has been signed off work
so these children could have been planned when he was earning and it is just bad luck he has had to stop work

It has made me realise from your posts Sami that the papers just basically wanted the reaction i gave on here, and to give this couple a really hard time

I still think 6 children is a lot when not working but i don't know the whole story

The media is always 1 sided! :lol: 6 kids is alot, I couldn't cope, but they seem happy, and I'm sure they don't do it for the money as they wouldn't get a hell of alot more really.
I have so changed my veiws now thanks Sami :D
These kids looked clean and happy and i suppose at the end of the day thats what matters most

I think if they are happy and trying to better themselves (which they seem to be)
and no p***ing the money up the wall then fair play to them

I was just so mad when i first read it i had a kneejerk reaction i suppose

Its good to see differant veiws and i am glad i am open minded and mature enough to chnage my initial veiws
:evil: Damien just deleted that whole post I wrote :wall:

:hug: Jo, it's normal to think what you did to start off with, but with me being sat on their side of the fence who gets many hurtful and nasty comments and looks, I tend to look a little deeper (not saying you don't).

I can't remember what else I wrote exactly sorry :oops:
hmm sorry but I still don't agree. Fair enough they may have planned to have six kids before he got signed off but personally I think they should wait for number 6 until they are more financially stable. I would love six kids bu financially its not feasable. Your situation sami is different as your OH works. Six kids is excessive in my eyes. By all means have large families but the vast majority of people have the kids they can afford to have.

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