Think my time has come! *Update* This is it :)

Oh Ive been missing it all!
WOOO HOOOO Come on baby I cant wait to see her! Good luck Jess and I hope your labour is a good one! :hug: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Well girls... bad news :cry:
I started panicking about everything and OH came home i dusted a little got a few bits done ect and i noticed they were a little less painfull, now they are nothing too much to rave about i called the middy and told her asked what i could do she said hopefully they start back up in the night as stress can make them subside for a little im really so dissapointed with my body but my cervix hes thinned right out so thats some good news atleast!
it will probably all start up again as you start to fall asleep tonight :hug:
Don't lose hope! Your LO will be in your arms before you know it!

Good luck to you!
Aww hun, I bet it starts again very soon.

Try and get some rest :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
oooo has anyone had any updates yet?? I hope things all kicked off for you in the night xx :pray:

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