Think my SPD has returned...

Jen & Her Men

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2007
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Just been for a walk in the sunshine with James and started getting some twinges and now Im back home my pelvis area is really hurting :( :(

Im gutted. Was really hoping I wouldnt get it this time or if I did it wouldnt show itself to right near the end which it did with James...

Just pray it doesnt get too bad and I dont end up on crutches again. :pray: :pray:
You poor thing.. Rest up if you can and see what your docs say.X
i know how you feel hun im in pain with the spd most days now and turning in bed is horrid. hope it dont get any worse for you hun :hug:
Jen I hate to say this but I had it with both of mine and it was worse with harrison and came on earlier. Although it did improve with physio. Hope it won't be the case for you though babe x
awww hun sorry :hug: mine was earlier and worse make sure you get a physio referral as soon as possible hun and try and take things easy xxxxxxxxx
Wow how did you get to tri2 so quick!! ;)

I agree, don't put it off - mention it to your MW/doc asap. Mine's been so much better with teh belt they gave me and I really notice if I don't wear it now.

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