Think it's the injections


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2009
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Paige had her injections on Tuesday and was soo good with them. She slept fine that night and was pleasent as always, then wednesday she started to get a bit touchy but nothing wierd. Just having a few odd moments. Then yesterday...OMG...she just cried all day, didnt want food, kept waking up at night, asking for food but barely eating any and today shes been the same. :( Ive given her a bit of calpol and shes in just her vest and shes in her bouncy chair just chilling at the moment.

Think its her injections? Im at my wits end trying to figure out whats going on. Did anyone elses babies have a bad reaction and was it straight away or a few days after?

Oh this is her first lot, as she had them a bit late.
:hug: oh no poor paige. Does she have a temperature? Morgan had a delayed reaction but it was only about 3 hours later and only lasted 4 hours ('only' is not really the word when theyre screaming the house down...)

My doctor advised us to call them if hes not better after 1 dose of calpol. Hope shes better soon xxx
oh poor Paige, bless her....we were told there could be a reaction for up to 48 hours but upon reading more found that it could last as long as 4 days, so it could that her little body's having a time reacting to the vaccines. We were told just to give Calpol and try to soothe him as best as we could so it sounds like you're doing the right thing. I bloody hate LO having to have injections :(
Sorry paige isn't feeling well Mel:-( I bet it's the injections! Emily was fine with hers but all babies are different. As tiny said, she should be ok After a dose of calpol and if not ring your doctor in the morn, even it's just to put your mind at rest!! Hope she is better soon Hun xxx
She managed to go sleep at 7pm, so normal time, and thus far, is still asleep. She spent an hour in the bouncy chair entertaining herself in just her vest. So the calpol seems to have calmed her. She was feeling warm, but my room is really cool at the moment so she seems content asleep in there.

It really is horrible having to give them injections but I truly think its for the best, however much they may scream at us lol. Erin, thats so good that Emily was ok with them. Im hoping the next lot she might be slightly better. If not, then Ive got 4 weeks to prepare myself!

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