think im being silly but im kinda sad! (


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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iv made the decision to stop BFing, for number of reasons-
-imminent first tooth
-she's started pulling at my top and IMO thats when it starts making me feel a bit uneasy and that shes too old for it now
-dont wanna be all engorged or hav 2 express while were in reykjavik (or get told off at work again when they send me home coz me boobs ache!)
-wanna go on the "full" pill so can control my periods (which i think gonna return soon anyway) and if im late taking it it wont matter

aaaaaaaaaanyway, OMG i didnt realise how hard it is to give it up! apart from going thru the physical discomfort, i feel kinda sad that i wont do it again :(

it was my decision to stop, and i do want to, but at the same time i miss it now. its very tempting just to do it once during the nite but doing that is only delaying the inevitable, or i could see myself ending up carrying on longer than IMO is the "right/ideal" time (tryna phrase that so i dont offend anyone who BFs older babies and toddlers coz i think its great- but its just not for me)

i havent BF since early thursday morning before we got up, maybe 5 or 6am- so thats about 63 hours now, which is the longest ever!
last nite was the hardest most tempting time (boyf was very helpful he gave her bottle and let me sleep, bless him!) as now iv come this far it seems silly to "undo all my hard work" so to speak, i'd just put myself back to where i was and hav 2 start over.

so im just waiting for milk to dry up now! how long will it take? theyre quite big and firm and a bit sore, but hav not got worse since this morning and are nowhere near as bad as they used to be. hopefully this is the worst of the physical "withdrawal" lol.

sorry to waffle on like a crazy woman lol hopefully some of u wont think im wierd and understand me i kno my boyf wouldnt if i poured my heart out to him about this! altho he tries to i dont think he can see why im feeling kinda folorn about this.

so, im very proud of myself for reaching the 8-months mark, but iv closed that chapter now *sigh*
I think its fantastic you have done 8mths... well done you!
i agree its amazing you should be so proud of yourself.. diod you consider gradual weening? as i think its easier on your boobs more than anything? dropping one feed a ta time.. i think its the ideal way to do it..perhaops express a little if they are uncomfotable.. then you can give melissa your EMB even if you express once a day just for the releif unfor a few days then stop altogehter?
I am weaning at the moment and like you feel a little sad about it. I have pretty much let my daughter (who is 6 months) take the lead, initially dropping feeds through the main part of the day which she coped with really well. Bed time is now a bottle and because the formula is keeping her going, she is not waking for her 11pm feed and going through until morning. The only breast feed she is getting is her 8am one and to be honest she is not overly interested in it. She just tends to lay there with my breast in her mouth not taking very much.

I decided to stop the day feeds initially as I really felt that her and her dad needed freedom from me and not be tied to having to not be very far away from me incase she needed fed. I also felt that I did not want to be in a situation where in a couple of months she was pulling at my top and at an age where weaning her might be quite difficult. As I say, she coped much better than I ever thought she would and dropping the subsequent feeds have seemed quite natural (had I known it would be this easy then I might have delayed it by a month).

Well done on BF'ing for 8 months!
thanku girlies :)

lisa- yes, the original plan was to gradually switch to formula- but she wasnt having much milk anyway really since she increased her solids (only at bedtime and thru the nite). on wednesday i replaced her bedtime BF with formula but then just decided might as well stop completely, get it over with!
ok theyre engorged now, not like rocks like theyve been in the past, but the left one is really achey and leaking a bit. i dont suppose anyone has any tips on how to dry it up quicker? when will they stop filling up and go back down? its been about 66 hours now. i just want this over with!
Awww luv!

You've done sooo well, you should be really proud of yourself!

Have you tried cabbage leaves? Not sure if they are good for just engorgment, but when I was starting mastitis and was MASSIVLEY engorged (Pammy Anderson and Jordan combined on my tiny frame was really a sight to see - think Lola Ferrari! :shock: ) cold cabbage leaves in my bra were great!

You need to put them in your bra and leave them there for 24 hours and then change them.

It does get extremly pongy, and I've not eaten cabbage since :rotfl: :rotfl: but it really helped draw the stuff out my boobs!

Aw trixi - I really feel for you! You know you have done an amazing job breastfeeding for this long - I'm so pleased for you. I think your reasons for giving up are valid as they are right for you (just make sure you don't use not b/feeding as an excuse to take 'naughty' pills in Iceland - you've done brilliantly so far).

I don't have any advice petal, but I just wanted you to know that I think you are FAB :hug: and its not silly to be sad.

How are the boobs today? How many hours is that now?

Valentine Xxx
thanku :hug:

v, no im not gonna take any naughty pills i cant see myself ever doing them again! altho last nite i couldnt sleep or lie on my front so i took co-codamol and nytol it was wierd not thinking "i cant im PG/BF"!
its been 76 hours now, theyre not any worse since last nite, but not sure if theyre slightly better. the longer i leave it the more determined i am to carry on and not do one last little one or something! im finding it physically and emotionally unpleasant i wouldnt wanna hav to start from the beginning again- last nite i was worried i'd be so tired and on autopilot i might do it half asleep if i brought millie to bed so i wore a bra and a high necked tight tee-shirt lol

I'm dreading this too and I know for me it might not be much longer. In the process of figuring out which feeds to drop first etc, but I really don't want to :(

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Just have a good supportive bra on Trixipaws, it will help a little with the discomfort.

I think you have done amazingly well to bf as long as you did, well done and have a fab time in iceland!!!

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