Think I need a slap but...


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2011
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my brother had a baby girl 10 days ago - beautiful lovely Isabelle Emelia. But when my mum asked what name they had picked had she been a boy my brother announces it would have been James Richard...


This has been my boy's name since I was 14!!!! I have made no secret of it whatsoever and both my bro and my SIL knew this. It's completely pathetic as it's just a name, but I feel a bit miffed that they refused to discuss their name choices while pregnant (totally their choice - we did the same) but had I known that I was going to choose a name that I know my sister had completely set her heart on I might have given them a little bit of warning, if the shoe was on the other foot iykwim???

The totally pathetic thing is that I'm not even pregnant yet, and I might end up having a girl, but I just needed a bit of a bitchy let off of steam to moan about the name nickers!!! Lol Think I might be due on my period or something, as things like this don't normally bother me, but feel like I need to get ttc-ing quick so I can pinch the name back!!! ha ha ha!!!
Heeeh, I get it why you are annoyed. I would have probably been too. But then I am so cheeky that I would have named my baby like that too even if they steal it from me...
Lol!!! I like your style Hope!!! It's not stopped them - my brother and I have a cousin called Isobel and they've called her Isabelle - very confusing for my grandma who now has a granddaughter and great granddaughter both called that!!!
ye i hate it when this happens, you will just have to get busy and beat them too it ;) x
The more I think about it, the stroppier and more teenage I'm getting. "Well it's a crap name and I never liked it anyway..." *flouncing off*
oh , i'd be peed off too... For some reason, my younger brother , had been saying he was going to have one daughter called Zoe since he was about 10!! very odd, but it never changed as the years passed, my older sister had kids first, and then me, we both have one daughter each , and we both wouldn't have dared to use the name he loved so much..

He went on to have one daughter! they are not having anymóre kids, but his now wife, was not keen on zoe! So he managed to get away with Chloe....

on the same theme, my girls name last time was Marina Penny, and over the last two years ive liked Marina less and loved Penny, so it was top of my "I'm not actually preg list!" as you do. My good mate, fell accidently pregnant with her fifth, while I was going through IVF, we would have been 3 weeks apart if my ivf had worked, (she would have been ahead!) and she is 27 weeks, and found out she is having a 4th boy, she has one girl too. I wish she hadn't told me her would be girls name, as it was penelope, to be straight away shortened to Penny! I sat there gobsmacked the day #I found out my second ivf frozen cycle had fell flat, prob with my mouth open, when I said oh thats what my girls name was last time Marina Penny, she said really, I don't remember you saying..... I also had a chicken called Penny that died last year, I have a horrible feeling I gave her the idea... Now I'm forming a new list...
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I'd be pissed off too! When ny friend couldn't think of names while she was pregnant I said conversational the 2 names I'd picked...guess what she called her kid!
Pretty pissed off even though it was like 18m ago! Xx
A friend did this to me too, exact first name AND middle name. I was so angry. I keep telling myself that I don't like that name anymore anyway, then I'll be day dreaming about it and remember it's been stolen and I get angry all over again lol.
My friend and i are only 3weeks apart in our pregnancy.. me being further gone (hopefully in my favour if i have a boy).. for months now i told her my fav boy name and middle name (middle name is my mums maiden name 'james') so it means sonething to me for her and my grampy
now she new this and the other day i asked her what names she had.. and she said the names!!!!!
And apprently ive never told her i wanted it and apparenty she was the one that told me she liked it ages ago.

Neither of us no what we r having.. but if i have a boy im sticking to my guns..
Im scared if i have a girl but she has a boy she will still take it :( hmmmm..
If you pop first, you claim the name!! Lol. In fairness my oh doesn't like James Richard all that much, so we had discussed Rufus and some other names (I like Rex!!) but I was hoping when he'd watch me push something the size of a beachball out of my minky for the second time he would cave in and let me have any name I wanted!!!
I wonder if sometimes people like a name but can't remember why it where there heard it?! But WE know they've stolen it from us?! I have a friend who is 4 weeks ahead of me so I'm making sure we don't want the same names and putting my fave's in quickly just incase! This is the same friend who about 7 years ago was single and her sister stole both her girl names, simply saying "I'm not being funny but you don't even have a boyfriend yet..." True, but still so totally mean! Xxx
Ouch!! And it was her sister as well - no getting away from seeing your nephews and nieces with 'your' names!!
There ia some meany ppl in this world name robbing lol.

I would be miffed. I love the names Lola and Scarlet but when i told my sister even though shes not pregnant (YET) she laughed and showed me a list of names she had written down a while ago and they were on it. They are now a no go for me :)
I do like Rose as a middle name which i chose over 2 years ago with my lg and apparently she likes it if she has a girl but i am no way giving that up unless i change my mind onto something else myself.

I am so stubborn with things like this but i have to say with family i do see a "rule" when it comes to things like this as well :lol:

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