think i might be on my way....


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
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Ive been having pans since about 8.30 this morning (around the time of my minging plug post :puke: :rotfl: ) but i kept quiet cos i didnt want to jinx it!!

Pains are coming anywhere from 7 to 11 minutes at the moment, all are lasting 30 - 40 secs and they're REALLY starting to hurt. I havent had a bath or taken any paracetamol cos i want to feel the pain for a while, just to make sure this is it (never thought id be asking for the pain!!)

Im still a bit scared its gonna stop :( :? but im having to stop what im doing and really concentrate on my breathing when the pain comes. Beths still on easter hols and she keeps trying to chat to me while im having one, but i cant talk so thats a good sign eh?

Im getting it mostly in my back, some in my belly and some going down my legs a little way (never had that before :think: )

I think i might go and phone OH to come home in a minute.

:pray: I really hope this is it or im gonna feel like a right divvy for making a fuss :rotfl:
thanks! :hug:

I sat down for a bit to have something to eat, and i didnt get one for 14 mins :shock:

As soon as i got up again i had a really painful one :cheer: I think i might go and do some housework or something, They seem to get worse when i move about which is a good sign that its real and not a false labour :pray:
When I was having contractions a couple of them were further apart which kind of threw us. I still have a feeling that it could be your time ;)
:cheer: yay it defo sounds like this could be it! Good luck!

definately keep moving hun if you can :D I think you'll have your LO by the end of today xxx
Good Luck hope things keep progressing for you.

:cheer: :dance: :cheer: :dance: :cheer: :dance:
Sounds like brilliant news to me!

Best of luck hun :hug:
How exciting!!!!! I hope it all keeps going, sounds like the real thing to me!! Yey!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
:cheer: YAY!!! it defo sounds like it chick. Hopefully you'll have your LO soon.xxxx

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