think I may have a little cry!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2011
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Just wanted a moan ladies really.Feeling so ill today. Got a pain going up my right side from my thigh to my shoulder where I think baby is laying on a nerve, Got sharp stabbing pains in my back right where my kidneys would be. The SPD is bringing tears to my eyes and the OH has just gone to work even though he wasn't meant to be working today. I know we could do with the money but I really wanted someone to look after me today!!! I know I sound pathetic but I'm having a good weep while writing this. Its probably just hormones and shit but now I have had to drag the washing basket out at put the washing on the line. Will have to cook the dinner tonight, had to get out of the bath (the only comfortable place I get some pain relief) because I can't get out of the bath unless he is here and now the dog is crying at the window to go out so now I have to try and walk him too. Plus AJ has only moved 3 times so far today and I barely slept last night so I am tired and worried.
Aww leanne that sounds so shit hun. It's so close to the end now honey, 11 days and you will have your little one in your arms!! Don't do all the jobs you usually do if you're in that much pain hun, just relax and sleep, OH can cook dinner when he gets home. You need to try and relax to make yourself feel better. Thinking of you honey xx
:hug: omg hunny you are in a state! How long's Jase at work for today? Can your mum not come round and sit with you? I definitely think being alone makes everything 10 times worse.

And AJ stop being a pest.....a sign of things to come I think lol xxxxxxxxxx
:hug: oh my what a day :( how about a shower instead ofa bath? Maybe the hot water will ake you feel better? Or a hot water bottle?
As about the puppy just walk it in the backyard for 5 min and let your oh do the proper walking later. I hope the bay starts kicking you soon :hug:
trouble is he won't get home till late so I have to get everything done otherwise they just won't get done!! I know I sound so toddler like but I needed him today and he wasn't there. I'm so tired and in so much pain that I just wanna curl in a ball and sob and sob. Sorry for moaning. x
You moan away chick it does us good to get it off our chests. Every morning I'm finding it harder to watch the OH go off to work, we've spent no quality time just the 2 of us the last month and I really miss him. I was singing to the rabbits this morning just cos I was lonely lol.

Pain and sleep deprivation are forms of torture for a bloody reason.......where's our human rights huh huh?
yeh they are used as torture for a good reason. I think it was made worse by the fact he didn't have to go but chose to knowing I really needed him today, he was up late last night in bed speaking to someone on facebook and when I asked who it was he said no-one and I found a text on his phone today which was to a number I didn't know saying something you would only say to a woman and it wasn't to me!!!! I know I am totally paranoid and hormonal at the moment but I just have such hang ups from a previous relationship that this is making me hysterical. Can't bloody stop crying now for gods sake!
Oh ffs! Don't read too much into it sweetie, it normally wouldn't affect you this much. Don't do your own head in about it but make it plain to him that you are feeling vulnerable and he has to recognise that.

You aren't going to be pregnant forever babe, you don't have long to go now, even sooner if you can shift AJ sooner *hands over crowbar*. Once you get back on your pain meds you will feel more able to cope :hug:
Hi Hun I had the exact same pain for 48hrs prior to birth. I had back pain and a pain in my thigh, I actually posted on here about it. My baby was back to back hence all my pain being in my back. Btw he came 12 days early xx
Ha Sue your little man looks like he's leaning his car seat into paddock hill bend :D
Aw love :hug:

You poor thing, try to get some rest. Can you let the dog out the back for the time being so you don't have to exert yourself?

ONly a few more days and you'll be on the way to having your body back.
Hi Hun I had the exact same pain for 48hrs prior to birth. I had back pain and a pain in my thigh, I actually posted on here about it. My baby was back to back hence all my pain being in my back. Btw he came 12 days early xx

I wish!!!
I hope you're feeling a bit better now?

We ALL have crappy days like this. Dont read too much into it all hun. Big hugs xxx
big hugs leanne hope you're feeling a bit better now??

just keep thinking-11 days!! dont over exert yourself just chill, relax and to be honest no man is gonna understand how much we need them right now!! i know mine doesnt! so unfortunately weve just gotta pick ourselves up n get on with it.

at least you have all of us to offload your worries :) xxx
Thanks ladies I shall be fine I'm sure. Probably just feeling sorry for myself. x

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