Think I have a blocked duct :(


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2011
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Lower side of one boob is very painful and hard, does it sound like a blocked duct?

Anyone who's had them and can help with any advice? How long does it take to clear? Feeling a bit rubbish anyway, lumpy boob is not what I need right now!
The feeding lady told me to massage the lumps when feeding to prevent blocked ducts. Maybe try that?

Hope it's fixed soon xx
Massage it when feeding and not feeding when feeding (or after) from the other side pump it. Getting under a hot shower and massaging always helped me and putting a hot water bottle on and massaging. Feed through it as much as possible as it really really helps!

Thank you, ladies!

Any idea how long they take to clear? It's not necessarly that it's painful (it is!), but I feel so lethargic, like I'm coming down with a cold.
It could mastitis then! Blocked ducts are just sore. I think you should see your GP tomorrow. Is it red?

My first blocked duct took a couple of days. My second one day but I knew what I was doing.

It's not red, it just feels like a 'segment' of my boob is hard and painful.
I used to get loads of blockages but always found that massaging the lump, esp during feeding, helped to clear it out again. Never got anything more than lumpy boobs, no mastitis thank god!
Sounds like mastitis. Def get yourself to doctors, i had it with dd and was laid up in bed its horrible. Hope you feel better soon x

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Now my other boob has a lump as well, but the first one is not painful any more, and don't feel fluey at all today.

Spoke to MIL as well, who's had 3 babies and seems to know everything under the sun about baby and pregnancy, she used to get this all the time and it cleared in a few days.
Be careful if you feel fluey! You'll become a pro at getting rid of blocked ducts ;)

There's a lot of talk about warm water, etc, but I just don't have the time. I massaged it quite a lot though, and it seems to have worked. What do you find helps, Becky? :hug:
Put a hot water bottle on it for a while then massage or massage and feed.

I went to sleep with one on to help mine

I had one I just had to knead the lumpy bit while feeding or expressing.
I do the hot water bottle too! I often get lumpy blocked ducts which i massage as i feed. Also feeding in a different position can help clear a blockage. I also take lecithin which is supposed to thin your milk so you get less blockages. I've had a milk blister on and off for about a month and I think it is helping!
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Bloqued ducts are commonly caused by subclinical mastitis. Best think you can do is to try a milk analysis. However this kind of analysis are only performed in Spain. It would be very usefull for you to read the information you can find here: cliking probisearch at google. This research team has been able to treat mastitis with probiotic and results are better than with antibiotics.
Much much better today, no pain at all, redness gone and lumps subsiding, yay!!!

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