Think I had an IB yesterday (ooo excited lol)

Oh, you remember me?!! us oldies need to stick together eh?! I'm into month 20 now of TTC :shock: . On the long waiting list for IVF, and due to have a lap&dye done within the next 6 months :( Of course I am hoping for a mini-miracle to happen in the meantime :D !

When are you testing again?

Ohhhh its so exciting!!!
I'm going to try and hold off till the weekend :fib:

Is the lap&dye similar to a HyCoSy? Thats were they put dye in your tubes via a catheter to check for blockages. I had that last month. I think it's less invasive than the lap.
Yes its pretty similar, although a lap is basically key-hole surgery (eek :shock: ). They will use a camera just to check all my lady bits are in good working order and in the right place, and while they are there they'll put the dye in. I'm sooooo looking forward to it :fib:

I was reading your other post about predictions, and it got me thinking - my cheri22 prediction was January and a Boy - I just worked out my dates and if (by some gorgeous little miracle) AF didn't arrive as usual this month, and I was PG - I'd be due 10 January! Oh I try not to get excited, but a teeny tiny bit of me now is saying lots of prayers!!

Good luck in waiting till the weekend :D!!! That's if you haven't already popped out to the shops!!!

Hoping Cheri is right for you for January hun :pray:

I've ordered some tests online so ill have to wait it out till they get here lol.
skairdykat said:
Hoping Cheri is right for you for January hun :pray:

I've ordered some tests online so ill have to wait it out till they get here lol.

Sorry to jump in here girls. Which sites do you all order your tests from? I was thinking of getting some myself.

Thanks very much for that site link. I've bookmarked it, and I'll order them soon. :)
Oooh good luck Skairdy, really hope this is it for you. Keep us posted, we want to know the minute you POAS lol x
Hiya Skairdy,

How are you today hun?

Just thought I'd give you some more hope - my Dr told me that after a Lap&Dye or Hycosy, a large percentage of women fall pregnant very soon after - it kinds of flushes the system out and your body is at its best to achieve pregnancy!!!

Good luck xxx
G3M also said that to me about the HyCoSy :dance:

Think AF has shown up today though. Cramps bleeding a bit, not as much as I would expect, mainly when I wipe but I think she'll be here full flow soon :twisted:

Thanks for all your support ladies, your great :hug: :hug:
yup i fell preggy 6 weeks after my hsg and considering u cant have sex for 4 weeks i think we done well lol ( i had it via lap)

sorry u think af has turned up :twisted: send her to me if u want , see if she'll bypass you :pray:
I'm afraid she has hun :roll:

Although it's not as heavy as normal, nor did I have any of my usually signs of her impending arrival. No sore boobs, no cramps, no spotting for a week b4.....nothing. And she is 2 days early!! Not one of my cycles have been the same length for the last 4mths - 28 days (which they normally are) then 30 days then 27 days now 26 days. So god only knows whats going on :think:

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