Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2007
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I am so excited. I think I felt baby move for the first time. I have had similar feelings for the past week, but nowhere near as strong. It only lasted about 1-2 seconds and felt strange.

Can't wait to tell hubby when he gets home. xxx
It's v reassuring isn't it...it's so long between time when you see or hear the baby that it's nice to know that it's in there! Mine started off v low but today I noticed it a lot higher in my tummy towards my belly button.
Aww that's lovely. It's a great feeling isn't it!
I have just felt it again. It is so reassuring. Hubby is over the moon too, but I think he is feeling a little left out. xx
NIE said:
I have just felt it again. It is so reassuring. Hubby is over the moon too, but I think he is feeling a little left out. xx

Did it feel like butterflies ???
I suppose it was like butterflies, but also a bit like wind too. xx
NIE said:
I suppose it was like butterflies, but also a bit like wind too. xx

LOL.. I get plenty of wind, but keep experience butterflies, and little churning in my stomach I think babies on the move ..

Especially after eating chocolate :D
i think it feels like a strong pulse/heartbeat type sensation - just a quick poke in the belly! Have got OH to put hand where it's kicking but it's not regular enough in one go for him to try to feel it or in one place long enough to try.
You'll soon feel him/her playing full on football or ballet dancing soon! Mine doesnt stop!!! :D
clasper said:
You'll soon feel him/her playing full on football or ballet dancing soon! Mine doesnt stop!!! :D

It gets stronger and stronger! The last 5 days I have felt him moving harder and stronger. Esp when my bladder is full, the LO decideds to remind me to pee by jabbing with both feet this time. He moves around more, first when I started feeling, he was low and never really ventured from my left side. Now he is left, right, centre, down and slightly up :lol:

Just to let you know, the butterfly feeling was replaced with a feeling like bubble wrap was being popped in my tummy Now that has been replaced with something that feels like a blunt stick jabbing at my belly!

But it's an amazing feeling!
Woohoo!! Me Too! :cheer: :cheer:

Felt a 'pop' this evening while sitting on the sofa with DD, then again later on, a 'triple pop' while sitting with DH so really pleased they could share it with me!

I love being pregnant!
Kylie1007 said:
It's v reassuring isn't it...it's so long between time when you see or hear the baby that it's nice to know that it's in there! Mine started off v low but today I noticed it a lot higher in my tummy towards my belly button.

Yeah mines been to the left of my belly button, and the woman doing the ultrasound said its no wonder thats where his hand is, and he was hitting me as we were watching him!!! He's gonna be a handful :roll: :rotfl:
I think mine must be lying with its feet to my right hand side as thats where I feel most kicks (or punches!)
it is a good feeling except your hubs might not be able to feel anything just yet or he maybe lucky and be able to feel baby move u never know :)

congrats on feeling your baby move and more feelings to come yet as they get stronger :)
Have been feeling baby move all day which has cheered me up as I am suffering from toothache.

Hubby is really feeling left out, he keeps on touching my belly and talking to it. xx
I've only just started to feel mine and this is number 3!!! The sonographer said my placenta is anterior so thats why. I am definately feeling prods inside over the last few days.

Its lovely when you start to feel it - it starts to feel real


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