Things are starting to happen!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2006
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Hello everyone!

Some of you may know I have had a bit of a rough time with pregnancy and I have been signed off sick from 26 weeks with stress and a very painful pelvis..... over the last few days my pelvis has been hurting a whole lot more and I didn't know why! I have been having trouble walking and getting up out of bed or chairs...

Tonight I have seen a friend who gave birth 8 months ago and she has commented on how much my bump has dropped and she doesn't think I will go full term. I have to confess that I have often thougth that I wouldn't go full term but didn't have any concrete reasons for this!

Anyway tonight I have been going to the toilet for a wee about every 30 minutes and today I have been 8 times for a poo!!!!! ( :oops: :shock: My bump has definatley dropped and I am feeling a lot of pressure!

On Thursday night I had some mega strong braxtn hicks ( only 4 in total but they were enough to wake me! Starting at the top of my bump then moving down and round into my back!) So I think things are moving along! Currently the only symptoms I have are an overwhelming feeling of being uncomfortable and restless and needing to go to the loo all the itme! I have had no further painful braxton hicks....

Not due to see the midwife until 20th but think I may go to the drop in clinic on Monday (tomorow) just to get everything checked out!

thought I would share this with you all and see if indeed I Am over reacting ( as this is what hubby has said!!!!)

Have been reading that this "lightening" can happen weeks before you deliver but I am glad that things are happening!!!!

Thats what I am thinking any way! I think a 38 week pregnancy is long enough!! lol

Just you wait I will still be herein January at 42 weeks saying nothing has happened! lol
Going to keep my fingers crossed for you - keep us updated :D
Lyndsey said:
Hello everyone!

Some of you may know I have had a bit of a rough time with pregnancy and I have been signed off sick from 26 weeks with stress and a very painful pelvis..... over the last few days my pelvis has been hurting a whole lot more and I didn't know why! I have been having trouble walking and getting up out of bed or chairs...

Tonight I have seen a friend who gave birth 8 months ago and she has commented on how much my bump has dropped and she doesn't think I will go full term. I have to confess that I have often thougth that I wouldn't go full term but didn't have any concrete reasons for this!

Anyway tonight I have been going to the toilet for a wee about every 30 minutes and today I have been 8 times for a poo!!!!! ( :oops: :shock: My bump has definatley dropped and I am feeling a lot of pressure!

On Thursday night I had some mega strong braxtn hicks ( only 4 in total but they were enough to wake me! Starting at the top of my bump then moving down and round into my back!) So I think things are moving along! Currently the only symptoms I have are an overwhelming feeling of being uncomfortable and restless and needing to go to the loo all the itme! I have had no further painful braxton hicks....

Not due to see the midwife until 20th but think I may go to the drop in clinic on Monday (tomorow) just to get everything checked out!

thought I would share this with you all and see if indeed I Am over reacting ( as this is what hubby has said!!!!)


I have been having all this too, I find it very hard to get up in the night because my pelvis hurts so much, im 3/5ths engaged which is why its so uncomfortable and the midwife said it a good sign :D

I go loo lots too lol and experience alot of braxton hicks, I think its very common around this stage in pregnancy as your body is getting ready, all I can suggest ( and what the midwife suggested) is to keep active and carry on as much as you can as it helps with bubba getting into position.

I have always felt that I wont go full term sinse 2nd tri but the midwife said even though things are going how they should and buuba is getting ready it doesnt mean she will come early :( but may come on time :D

Thanx Tasha!

It does seem like you get a bit more info than me!!

I couldn't get in to see the midwife today she was at a different clinic! :shock: So going to see her enxt Monday to see how things are... I will ask her if I am "engaged" yet and let you all know next week!

you're only 35 weeks though lindsey - are you expecting an early baby?
Lyndsey said:
Thanx Tasha!

It does seem like you get a bit more info than me!!

I couldn't get in to see the midwife today she was at a different clinic! :shock: So going to see her enxt Monday to see how things are... I will ask her if I am "engaged yet and let you all know next week!


No problem hun just let us know how you get on, but it sounds to me as if your going through the same things as me and they sound very normal, your baby is proberly 3/5th engaged or more which is why you feel the way you do.

Budge nope not expecting an early baby - just got excited when all these things started to happen.. I think I put 2 and 2 together and got 5!! :D :oops:

Like Tasha said its probably just baby getting into position and maybe he/she has engaged.....

it seems like I have been pregnant for so long now I am so looking forward to LO arriving!!!!!!!!!! I am not concerned that anything is going to happen immenently..... unless any of you more experienced ladies think I should be concerned! :shock:

i felt like that aswelll..hayden was always head down from 20 weeks and i was 3/5ths engaged from 36 i thought i was about to bump was quite low for the last 6 weeks but he was still late damn it!
hehe i remember all the times i thought this is it..but they were braxton hicks or twinges :lol: :lol: hehe
i guess as you said you been waiting so long to see your baby and it drags so much you just think its time baby made an appearance! lol
I was just about to put a simelar post up!
last night I woke up 4 times with bad contraction type pains, then tonday I have spent most of my time on the loo and have had about 6 contractions,
the reason I have been on edge with them as this happend with Luke at this stage then my back waters went and I got stuck in hospital, even though I did'nt have him in the end till I was 41 weeks I think my body is just funny :roll:
:shock: cab o holic noooo I had just sorted it out in my brain that I was over reacting!!!!!!!

Seriously though - things have calmed down for me now only been for a poo twice today! :shock: but still going for a wee every hour.. everything seems swollen down there and I am having painful hips / pelvis.....

I hope things are ok for you cab o holic.. keep us informed!!!!!!!!


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