There's hope for us yet!


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2007
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Heard yesterday that a colleague of my husband has just got pregnant. She has been trying for 5 years :shock: and was about to start IVF on Monday. When he told me I was so excited for them :cheer: . Normally I feel down when I hear that someone I know is pregnant but I think it gave me some hope :D . We've been trying now since July 06 so quite a long time.
I am hoping this month is my month :pray: . I have started to get my hopes up and I know I shouldn't because I've always been disappointed before.

I've just got this funny feeling.

Sus x
Aww that really is lovely to hear. I love to hear stories of where couples finally get their so long awaited BFP's, they really deserve it.

I heard quite a few occasions where the couple are due to go discuss IVF after many years of ttc and it happens naturally :shock:

Me and my OH have been trying since Oct 06 so i know how you feel hun.

Hoping this month will be your month hun :pray:

I've still yet to ovulate but fingers crossed we can catch the egg this month.

Good luck and lots of baby dust to you :hug:
You both really deserve it,
And you will DEF get there..
I've only been TTC since3 Sep'07, so i cant compare with the amount of time you have been trying!!!
But with having 1 loss.. i know how much i really want this..
And you will BOTH get exactly wat you want..
its amazing, it all seems to happen all at once, and you'll forget all the time you tried, because it'll really be happening..
Sending millions of baby dust!! xxxxxxxx
:wave: Good luck and lots of baby dust to you too GlitterGirl.

:hug: Thanks Charlotte and hope your 9 months goes well.

:D My temp is stiil high? My boobs have been more sore than normal. Could it be my month? :pray:

Sus x

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