The worse experience of my life


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2015
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This is my 3rd miscarriage and by far the most traumatising, I found out at 9 weeks this one had died at 6 weeks decided to wait for natural miscarriage as I was too afraid to have anything else, started brown discharge 2 weeks ago, Then 4days ago turned to bright red blood, I though i was on the way to this 3rd disaster being over.

Should be 12 weeks preg now - foetus been dead for 6 weeks

Thursday - Heavy bleed passed a clot the size of a pebble thought it was a sack, thought maybe it was over.

Fri, Sat Sunday. Extremely heavy period feeling ill.

Sunday 12am Woke husband up -blood pouring, clot the size of small tv remote, more pouring all over, called ambulance

Monday 3am told I wasn't hoemerreging, to go home

Monday 8.30am unconscious on the toilet from blood loss husband thought i was dead, loss of eye sight, spent night in hosp on drips unable to walk at 10.00pm Dr used a speculum and removed foetus and sack.

This has to be the worst time of my life. :(

Home now extremely tired, migraine continuosly still bleeding luckily more like a period now. I am so glad it is all over now xx
I'm so sorry for what you've been through. Feel better soon xx
Wow that sounds terrifying. I hope that's the worst over with hunny. I would suggest you should complain about whoever told you to go home that's sounds dangerous to me. Thank the gods your husband was around.
Glad your OK. So sorry for what he happened
So sorry to hear this Sarah sending lots of love to you xx stay strong you will get through it xxxxx
Ladies I am glad its over the bleeding has now slowed down. It is more like a normal period now, except I am really pale and run down,I am hoping to go back to work next week, get some normality back in my life. xx
I am so sorry to read your update. Mc is horrendous anyway but you've really been through the mill.
Take care xxx
thank u, they have heomoglobin level at 8.7 so no wonder i feel terrible. Ive booked a private councellor to talk to for a few sessions to help me get through this time. its has been horrendous for me xx
Sarah I have no words, what you have been through is awful. Thinking of you and wishing you a good recovery, emotionally and physically xxx
Hi Sarah what a devastating experience, when you are feeling stronger I would make a complaint to your hospital as they put you at risk and should have offered you a D&C and not made you wait 6 weeks.
Please get them to monitor your hameglobin as normally if you were below 8 you may have needed a blood transfusion.
I think the counselling is a very good idea & I would think your husband should speak with some one too as you both have experienced a very traumatic experience.
I am so sorry for your loss xxx
So sorry to hear this

I had a haemorrage at 12 weeks (haemoglobin went down to 9) and I was signed off work for 2 weeks (doctor wanted to do it for 4 but husband wouldn't allow it) so I would seriously reconsider whether you are able to go back so quickly

You may need time to recover both physically and emotionally

Once again, I'm so sorry for your loss and my thoughts are with you xx
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Its terrible isn't it, the bleeding is like a period bleed, is this normal after a haemorrhage, they removed the foetus Monday night with a speculum as the cervix had opened they were able to get up to the neck of the womb. I keep worrying that the bleeding might set off again. I really worries me incase i die. I am still so scared and shaken up. I cannot get on with my life. The paid today is like a period type pain x
First let me say that I'm terribly sorry for your loss. *Virtual hug*

As I was searching the web for answers to my own miscarriage questions, I came across your comment. I just wanted to let you know that your story and the story of others has really helped me through my own experience.
I'm glad it's helped u. It's a terrible experience one that I'll never forget, I don't know now if I'll get the chance to have more babies but at least I got one. She is so special and has really saved me great pain having her to hold
I haven't tried since as things financially changed for me after the last miscarriage maybe if I ever have the bottle to try again
Then it'll be later down the line xx good luck
It sounds like you are incredibly brave after this awful experience.
Allow yourself to grieve and heal, you poor thing.
So sorry that you have had to experience this. Xxxx
Thank you, I'm feeling much more positive these days I've known people go through worse I'm grateful for my lovely life with my husband and daughter. I'm happy I got the chance to be a mummy once, so there is my silver lining xx

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