the worse day of my life ever


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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well today has been the worse ever day
i got up this morning went into B's room to get him up and the lil monkey had taken his nappy off and decided to do a poo with it off so there was poo all over his bed and all over him not pretty so i had to bath him which made me late for work
but i had a driving lesson booked for straight after work so had to get some money out so went to the whole in the wall money thing at tesco to get some money out for it -i had my family tax credits put in yest £600 so i decided to get some out that i owed mum and dad from shopping but wen i check how much i had in my account it sed NIL i was horrified and rushed to work and told mum i was heart broken over £600 gone like that i was so upset i had an asthma attack and it was really bad i was convinced i was gonna die (sounds silly i know) and that just made it worse so mum took me to casualty as nuttin would stop it iv been in hospital all day i had two attacks while there and they wanted to keep me in but they wouldnt let me have B with me and i couldnt face a nite without him so i discharged myself prob silly i know but mum is on strict instructions i have to go back if i have another attack so now i am bed prone and iv only been back an hour and hate it cant even play with B
as u can guess i didnt have time to sort my bank out so iv got to ring HSBC tomoz to see if they can do anything i am praying its just a cock up and no one has cloned my card i really need that money with B and his birthdat etc :cry:
aww Hunny, It will just be a mistake somewhere down the line, i'm sure everything will be fine,

Are you feeling any better now???
my chest is hurting and i feel liete headed etc but im ok
i hope it is a mistake
Oh hun poor you.

There is proberly a good reason for it. Calm down take some deep breathes and look after yourself. Hope your ok hunni! x
Sarah I had money stolen out my account and I eventually got it back so try not to worry hun :hug:
:hug: Sarah you idiot calm down, the money will be sorted out.

Now go and have a nice relax and stop worrying hon :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug:

awwhun sorry to hear ur not feeling well, try and take it easy and im sure everything will get sorted out :hug:

hope ur feeling better soon
what a nightmare of a day. I can understand you not wanting to be away from b despite his performance this morning. Im sure that money must just be a cock up, 600 quid doesnt just walk.

Please take care of yourself :rotfl:
Oh you poor thing Sarah :hug:

Hope you've calmed down a bit now, everything will turn out fine :hug:

Hope your okay now hun like i said earlier you need to lay down and relax no pushing your self over the edge.
Katrina :hug:
awwwww babes :hug: :hug: :hug: hope u feel better soon and that it is just a cock up
Awww hun I really hope you sort it today and B will have an amazing birthday. Hope you're feeling better hun :hug: xxxx
aw Sweetie you poor thing. theres you worrying about B's asthma and you're the one who has an attack :? you must remember to take care of yourself as well as B so if you have another you get right back in that hospital ok? :hug:

dont worry about the money hun, it will get sorted out i'm sure. could just be a delay in the transfer or something.

take care of yourself hun.

:hug: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
How you doing tody hun???? Sorry to hear of your asthma attack, scary stuff isnt it?!
How are you feeling today? Hope you're alright and manage to get the money situation sorted out.

B wont want to see his Mummy upset so keep your chin up and take it easy :hug:
How you feeling today?

Know what you mean thinking your gonna die - I think that every time I have an attack.

Rest up.
Aw hun, thats so awfull. I hope you have been able to get things sorted and that your feeling better today now too :hug:
HSBC are investigating the money as it has all been taken out of my account (not by me) really hope it gets sorted

im suffering really bad head aches today and mum has suffered with B as he has wanted to be wit me but with my head i couldnt play like he wanted :( my chest is still painful but is getting better thank god
hi hun found your post

did you get a statement to say when and where the money had been taken. if it was like mine it would be for abroad. thats the first thing that you need to do is to get a statement and look at it hun.
Yeh do what Davinia said, tbh, if you leave it all up to the Bank they will take forever. If you find out a little your self you ring them up and say look, its gone from here on this date etc etc

You need to also report it to the police. Is it a switch card? If before you go to the police try and do a list (shoudl beable to from your statement) of everywhere the card was used. The fraud team will investigate it for you!

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