The worse day ever!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2009
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Well I am not a happy bunny today....

...Been up since 8am this morning, as I had to get ready for a interview, which is based in Tamworth (which means catching the train), anyway I had my breakfast got ready and just about to leave out, literally just out the door, when my mobile phone rang...It was a lady from the company who were interviewing me, saying I am sorry but we are cancelling the interview and I asked why and apperantly because I didn't pass the personality test I did online (Considering I did this test on Thursday last week!)

Anyway I said well on my letter, it says that the personality test has nothing to do with the interview and induction day, she replied well it does and basically we aren't interviewing people who hasn't passed that test, I said well why send me a letter out and then ring me 1 hour before I am due to turn up to the interview and say not to come, why didn't you check the test on thursday or the friday last week when I completed it! She couldn't answer that and just didn't bothered, very unprofessional (And this is coming from a company thay deals with customer service lol) The worse thing about it is I had already bought my train tickets at £38.00, so I am now £38.00 down and in a mad/upset mood...I cried when I got off the phone to her, because it's such a let down, if they had rang me let's say yesterday or Monday then I wouldn't off been too angry and upset over it, but to ring me up 1 hour before the interview that is ridicolous...
I am thinking of putting in a formal complaint to the company.

And to top it all one of our family friends has passed away, just found out about an hour ago...And here's me thinking 2010 will be better for us!

Donna xx
:hug: I'm so sorry for your loss Donna!
I would send them a letter explaining the sequence of events and attach an invoice for your tickets. If you don't ask, you don't get!! Cheeky to leave it to the last minute, sounds like maybe they already have someone? Amazing the excuses that can come up!

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