the weirdest dream ever!!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2005
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:shock: :shock: :shock:
i had the WEIRDEST dream ever, iv never had anything like it...

i dreamt i got a BFP on a test, i then gave birth to a blonde 3 year old that was running round the delivery room!! but it felt so real.. i actaully woke up and had to think about wether i HAD actually dun a test and got a BFP. lol took a while to register that i hadnt lol..

weird :shock:
:shock: :lol:

Have you been using OPKs - Just seen your ticker :wink:
dionne lol think i AM a bit doolally at the moment!!
need to stop obsessing about babies and go with the flow..oh and yr kids r beautiful xx

wobbles yeah just started using opk's this week, there a bit weird to understand but im getting the hang of them! hows it going with u ttc

good luck xx
Which ones are you using?

I think I ovulated earlier than they tell you is the 'typical time' but when I had a strong test result on the OPKs I used it wasn't a so called positive result (wasn't as strong or stronger than control line) but I went from that to fainter. Not very happy if this is the case no BD for me over that period (1st & 2nd).

Stick with Clearblue myself & the midstream ones Jaidy suggested & used. :D

New to it all so I will carry on testing. I started early coz I had spotting on the 22nd so not sure if I should go from there.
i was using the cheepie ebay 1s but got 2 faint lines then nothing, then another 2 faint lines then nothing again.. im guna go buy sum clear blue 1s see if there any better

im due to ovulate end of this week but i dont no wot to think with the results i got the last few days.

i'll give clear blue a try and see wot happens with them today u get 7 in a pack so heres hopeing i havnt missed it yet!

i cud ov ovulated earlier than i thought aswell, bit pi***d off if i have, but i need to stop stressing over it all i think.!!

keep us updated hunny xx
Hmmmm wander if your using the ones I have too! I won't be buying them again!


^^ The white one is the ovualtion strip! A no no for me now :talkhand:
i bought mine from new you, green tips, same as yrs just different colour!...

im not guna buy them again im guna stick to clear blue i think see wot goes with them

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