The things we do


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2010
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I'm sat in the car, parked outside my house because the baby is asleep!

Yay to motherhood lol!

thank goodness for mobile phones with internet access, how did mums survive before?
Ive done it many of times! Still do 18 months on lol x

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I spend hours a week sat on my phone in the car whilst lo snores in his car seat!
Yep!! Those few minutes of peace and quiet and laziness are amazing!
Lol I've done this so many times!! I have to keep the engine running tho coz Ella knows when I turn it off and wakes up! Little madam!! X
I really, really, really duno how I survived my first pregnancy & early weeks with 1st LO, I was an absolute wreck, family miles away, no internet or computer, chanels 1-5, no phone line. I honestly think PF has kept me sane this time round

I really, really, really duno how I survived my first pregnancy & early weeks with 1st LO, I was an absolute wreck, family miles away, no internet or computer, chanels 1-5, no phone line. I honestly think PF has kept me sane this time round


LOL my mum said the exact same thing to me today!!!!
My wee sister is 15 & i'm always telling her we never had mobs when I was younger (im 28 think i got a mob when I was about 17) and we were never allowed to use house fones to fone our pals so we had to just arrange to meet them & that was it. And OMG how the hell did I manage without hair straighteners.

Haha!! I think that! My hair is so wild and curly no wonder I look such a state on every old pic!!

God how times change eh! Wonder what our LOs will be laughing at when they are our age!
My dad used to have one of those massive brick type mobiles. The ones that first come out. He said it weighed a ton too. Now we Got these little things that slip into your pocket or get lost in your handbag. Wonder what things will be like when our los are our age xxx

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