the smell of my boyfriend makes me feel really sick


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2007
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i know that sounds ridic.
but when he hugs me or kisses me or something and i get a whiff of him, my stomach all turns inside out and i feel physically sick.
im really sensitive to smells at the moment but the smell of my boyfriend is taking it a bit far.
when he drinks too, i actually heave when he comes near me.

i tried to explain to him and he just got really offended

surely im not the only pregnant person in the world thats sick at the smell of their boyfriend.
its not like its a bad smell, but you know, just his washing powder or something.
ive heard that certain smells etc can make u feel sick due t the new hormones, but it will pass

my ex actually repulsed me wen i was at the end of my pregnancy, ut thats because i hated him lmao
Is it to do with his actual body smell or the shower gel/aftershave he uses?

Explain to him exactly what it is your feeling sick about. Maybe changing his shower gel may help. Does he eat alot of spicy foods i.e. idians/mexican etc, maybe that could have an effect on his body smell?
i had to ask bri to spray his body sparay elsewhere cos that made me sick , i also had to change my washing powder/softner cos drying it in the house made me sick lol

2 days ago , i had to leave dh eating his dinnner cos his cooking made me sick ( and in fact it use to be one of my fav meals !)
I havnt had this problem with OH so far but when ive been doing housework certain cleaning products have made me want to :puke: in fact i was using a mr muscel kitchen cleaner yesturday and it actually smelt like sick :think: however i use this product all the time and never had a problem with it before. Hopefully it will pass.

Tiggy xx
I've had this problem when my OH kisses's not that he has bad breath or anything, it was just something I started smelling. It went away after a while then he smell of him made me feel ill but that passed's back to normal now :)
I have this problem too, with my SON! :oops: :oops: :oops:
It's only in the morning when he's first woken up and hasn't brushed his teeth yet! My poor baby! :lol:
I had this problem with my OH this time and last time!! How funny, I thought I was going crazy. Luckily he realised it was me being a crazy pregnant lady and didn't take it too offensively.

Having said that he doesn't have the best dental hygiene :x
I had exactly the same as you. Firstly it was him near my face (well anyone up close to my face really) so kissing was out :roll: I don't know what caused that but something made me urge. I think it was I became much more sensitive to smells and I really could not cope with anything like that.

Then the smell of his deodorant started me off also. I could not go near him for about a week.

I explained it, and he was a bit upset to start and said I didn't have to be so specific or make a fuss every time he went to peck me on the cheek, which of course then upset me a little, but we agreed to be considerate of our actions and reactions and then he was careful about being close to my face and I simply quietly would lean away or hold my breath so as not to keep upsetting him by going 'bleh, ick :puke: ' when he wanted to give me a kiss and a cuddle :lol:

And after a couple of weeks its getting better now. The deodorant problem is passed pretty much and him close to my face does not cause such a strong reaction anymore.

Let your hubby know its anything either of you can help. Some women seem to simply suffer much more to smells around them and become more able to sense them I think. I did some reading elsewhere and it does seem to pass after a while :) Hopefully he can be patient and understanding for as long as it lasts.

my hubby gets quite bad spots where he shaves and has bought tea tree gel ....oh man,,,,,it stinks......i made him wash it off, he also knows he isn't in bad books when I lie facing away near the window as I can't stand his breath...

my hubby gets quite bad spots where he shaves and has bought tea tree gel ....oh man,,,,,it stinks......i made him wash it off, he also knows he isn't in bad books when I lie facing away near the window as I can't stand his breath...
I can remember feeling this way hun :hug: my husband uses Lynx Africa and used to use it in the bedroom but it made me so nauseous that he had to start going into the bathroom to spray it
I have to trun away from my OH in bed because I can't stand the smell of his breath at the isn't his fault...he is very clean. I haven't the heart to tell him.
i did try and explain to him but he didnt take it too well and just tried to insult me thinking i was insulting him!

i might just show him this thread, that might work
luckily i dont have a stinky man in the house but i do get the pleasure of waking up beside a stinky dog!
^^ LMAO!!!! Yes hun show him this thread then he might understand a bit better :hug: xxxxx
You should mention to him, obviously dont say Hoy love you pong but just ask hm what scent he is using as its a bit strong for you.

I used to nearly HEAVE when i smelt red one on my OH when i was preggo...

I must admit i did laugh at the title of your post at first tehe

I've read elsewhere that sometimes even a persons natural scent (that we are not usually aware of conciously) becomes something pregnant women cannot tolerate well. One guy explained about how his wife could not cope with his scent and how they coped. Nothing to do with that he was 'smelly' or his deodorant, just the natural body odour that we don't usually notice.

If you think about it, sense of smell for many women becomes extra senstive in pregnancy. Lots of us seem to find smells that never bothered us before intolerable.

Hopefully your hubby will be able to understand its nothing personal :)
You are not alone babes. x

I hate the smell of my hubby after he has smoked. He has cut down a bit but the smell from him makes me turn the other way at night in bed.

It's not as bad as it used to be, so hopefully it will ease for you quite soon. xx
Hi there you are definately not alone with this one. I got so sensitive to smells it would drive me up the wall.
My OH stunk to me. It didnt help that he smokes but OMG it would kill me to be anywhere near him after he had a fag, and by anyone who smoked. Everything from cooked pork to the bathroom cleaner would make me feel sick they all smelt so rancid.
I still have quite a heightened sense of smell but i am not feeling too sicky at everything now.

Charlie x

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