The silly things we do...


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2011
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I'm idly wondering what kind of things you are doing to interact with your baby? Apart from talking and rubbing my bump when baby moves, I've been putting music on and singing along like a lunatic.

I've also started to play piano to LO, then gesturing at my belly and saying things like 'That, Baby, is how NOT to play Mozart. Do not learn from me, small child!'

I think I'm losing the plot :shock:. Good job I work from home as the singing would probably not go down well with people. Sadly my poor child has no choice :)

Then hubby tries to sing to it through my belly but can't remember any of the words to songs so makes up some, ahem, creatively obscene lyrics... I pity the poor thing.

Go on. Tell me I'm not the only one behaving like a weirdo.
Ahhhh!! thats lovely! I'd love to be able to play the piano, what a great association to make with your LO now as hopefully that might calm them down when they arrive.

I rub my belly and talk to him a lot, I daren't try singing as I cant sing for toffee! Although I have swapped my radio station to Classic FM in the car as I've heard that can be good for them.
Nope definitely not the only one hun!!

I wouldn't normally admit to this but I play the guitar to my LO every night.... mostly nursery rhymes but sometimes I break out into a little jazz or classical music! :shock: I play the violin too, so sometimes that comes out....

I love music and sing in a choir so I tend to sing when I am doing things around the house.

Hubby loves music and sings in a somewhat out of tune manner to bump.... like your husband, mine frequently makes up the words to songs , it's highly entertaining!

LOL First Baby, Hubby changed all my presets to Classic FM.... I was not impressed as I like my LBC in the mornings.... He heard that classical music was good for LO and forgot that I have a passion for classical music..... I still have all my violins (started young) hoping that one day I can pass them down.... if LO wants’ them!

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Oh this thread has made me smile!
I have taken my weirdness out of the house and am going to Musical Bumps classes with a friend of mine; it is a 2 hour class for pregnant folk where the first hour is prenatal yoga then an hour of singing.
It is quite fun and Eddie obviously enjoys it as s/he goes wild for the whole time then in the bath when I get home.
Hubby is not too happy as they have sprung a partners class into the mix and he is now being dragged along too! Ha ha :) x
Oh, this is all making me smile, girls.

FirstBabyEek - I'm not sure my haphazard piano playing has a calming effect on baby. I used to play really well, but these days I play with more gusto than skill. It would probably learn better from Classic FM

Karate Kid - I play guitar and violin too! I've been noodling away badly on the guitar, thinking that the closeness of the body to the bump must mean it hears a lot. I'd never inflict my violin playing on it, though. You sound like a talented lady. I'd love to sing in a choir, but my voice isn't quite up to it!

Beckybean - That's very brave of you. I've been going to yoga classes, but thank god there's no singing involved beyond a yogic hum. Sounds like great fun, especially if you can drag your hubby along!

Lots of love to you all xxx
This is such a great idea for a thread!

I've turned into a little weirdo also lol.
I rub my bump constantly, and talk to it all the time too.
When I'm making dinner I look at my bump and say 'do you want fish tonight? Does that sound lovely?' Or something to that effect.
Also, if I'm out shopping, I show things to my bump and ask if it likes it lol. I did this in Next when I was buying maternity jeans, held up the jeans and said 'will mummy look nice in these?' Lol. But I do it when looking at baby stuff too, I.e. 'Would u like this baby bouncer or would you prefer the other one?'
I get strange looks when I'm alone, chatting to my bump lol.

I also sing to my bump, mainly Michael Jackson, Def Leppard and Gary Moore (baby WILL be a fan lol) but also nursery rhymes, and a song called Running Bear that my mum used to sing to me.

The other night I was lying in bed and baby started kicking, but when it kicked, it kept its foot out, and I was pushing it back in lol. This happened about 4 or 5 times, I was laughing so much! Xx

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So pleased to hear i'm not the only one! OH looks at me like i'm going made when i sing/talk to my bump!

If i'm listening with the doppler i tend to sing a nursery rhyme to him/her and starts them moving! (that may be saying shut up mummy you really can't sing) :p. But LO does seem to like nursery rhymes, i work with 2-3 year olds and baby always starts kicking when we do singing time. Mind you again that might just be the racket he also starts kicking if the kids are being really loud, i feel bad when i have to shout at them cause it seems to make LO kick, don't want to upset him/her!

I had a whole conversation with myself this morning because LO was obviously laying in an odd position when i woke up my bump was sticking up and solid on the right side, so i sat poking my bump and LO started kicking, this lead to an entire talk to him about being a fidget just like his daddy!

Generally i keep my insanity indoors on my own when i talk or sing to bump. x
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I rub my bump alot- half the time I don't even realise I'm doing it! I talk to bean too, just random stuff like "come on then bean lets go and do so and so" Lately there's been a lot of "Bean please stop making mummy's head hurt" and "Bean are you in there? Please wiggle for mummy!"

im always talking to my bump, or baby bear as i refer to her now...
Coincidence i know but when im picking out outfits she kicks at certain ones i pick up needless to say ive bought them xxx
Aw. Cute stories, girls.

Jayjay, I also talk to mine when I've been eating. I'll sit back at the table after a nice meal and declare, 'Baby. Now THAT is how to eat.'

Oh, this is all making me smile, girls.

FirstBabyEek - I'm not sure my haphazard piano playing has a calming effect on baby. I used to play really well, but these days I play with more gusto than skill. It would probably learn better from Classic FM

Karate Kid - I play guitar and violin too! I've been noodling away badly on the guitar, thinking that the closeness of the body to the bump must mean it hears a lot. I'd never inflict my violin playing on it, though. You sound like a talented lady. I'd love to sing in a choir, but my voice isn't quite up to it!

Beckybean - That's very brave of you. I've been going to yoga classes, but thank god there's no singing involved beyond a yogic hum. Sounds like great fun, especially if you can drag your hubby along!

Lots of love to you all xxx

Brilliant.... LO will most probably be musical too then! I have never mastered the piano, always wanted to though. Yes I figured that with the guitar the baby must hear a lot.... lol well I used to be pretty good on the violin but as I have got older and neglected practising my standards have dropped significantly.... I just thought that I should have these things around the house because that is how my mum realised I enjoyed music.... at the age of three I would sit by my mums guitar and pick at the strings! Then my montisori teacher told my mum that I used to sing whilst playing in the sand!? xx
Oh this thread has made me smile!
I have taken my weirdness out of the house and am going to Musical Bumps classes with a friend of mine; it is a 2 hour class for pregnant folk where the first hour is prenatal yoga then an hour of singing.
It is quite fun and Eddie obviously enjoys it as s/he goes wild for the whole time then in the bath when I get home.
Hubby is not too happy as they have sprung a partners class into the mix and he is now being dragged along too! Ha ha :) x

OMGoodness .... I am enjoying my yoga but this sounds like a blast x

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