the pregnant feeling


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2011
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Feel a bit guilty posting this at the min with evrything that has been happening on here and all the sad news. But it's been bugging me for a while.This is my 3rd pregnancy and when i had my boys I 'knew' i was pregnant before the test told me I just felt pregnant. This time nothing, was shocked when I got a BFP although we were trying. has anyone else had this ? If it wasnt for the fact I've had early scan I might think something had happened. only real symptom i have is tiredness and occasional sore boobs !!!:blush:
to be honest thats all i have at the mo! i'm only 3+4weeks. i dont feel pregnant at all. apart from the exhaustion and soor boobs. they are not even that sore!! :)
Thanks smokey. Mine arent thats sore either just painful when 1 of the kids gets their elbow in !!! x
Maybe its a girl this time then if its so different to your last. I remember coming on here at 6 weeks saying i hardly had symptoms then as if from nowhere i got everything in the book. had really bad vomiting since then and im now 12+ and still no sign of it stopping, and wouldnt wish this on anyone even though i know its all worth it. So enjoy the pregnancy incase it changes if not i am in envy lol. Hope everything else is going well for you and ur little bean x
This is my 3rd pregnancy too. I also have 2 boys. I had sore boobs, severe dizziness, tiredness etc at 3/4 weeks then nothing from 5-8 weeks other than exhaustion and then I hit 9 weeks and having nausea boobs sore as hell again. So I think it just comes and goes.

With my boys I never found out till I was 8 weeks and had no idea really so feeling it this early is different for me. Its funny as I saw a psychic the other day and she told me not to compare this pregnancy with my others as it wont be the same.

Wonder if its true about having a girl....:think:
im the other way, ive had lots of symtoms and now they have suddenly stopped! and im worried go for my first antenatal tomorrow not had date for scan yet and im stressing x x
I've had loads of sickness that kicked in at around 7weeks, but has calmed down for today which I'm loving, but worried at back of my mind too. It's a visious circle Hun. Enjoy the non sicky feeling.
I'm sure everything will b fine xx
thanks Ladies wouldnt mind a little girl !!! not going to find out though !!! only real symptom I have is the SPD and boobs have started to grow !!!. try notto worry Suzzi symptoms can come and go but need to get your scan date !!! xxx
lol just realised Lewisca were due on the same date!!
suzzi may date has actually changed on an early scan but dont know how to change my ticker !!!! due on 14th now but might leave it till my dating scan. I'm in the west midlands where r u ? xx
lewisca you'll have to go and create a new one, delete your old one from your signature box and paste the code of the new one in there instead x
thaks princess still trying to work out all this stuff !!! only just worked out how to add friends wouldnt have a clue if someone has asked me !!! I'll get there though !! xx
good on ya, we always float about ready to help ;-) (if I'm not sleeping or peeing anyway)

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