The positive Thread!


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2010
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So it would seem Tri 1 has been a little bit tough for several ladies lately, with lots of posts in here about things that are scarying/worrying us (with a few of them written by yours truly :oooo:)

I thought I would start this thread so we can all contribute something postive to help cheer oursleves up, it could be something positive that has happened to you since being in Tri 1, something you are really enjoying about being pregnant or something completely off topic which has made you smile recently. I'll start...

1. One positive thing I've noticed since being pregnant is - that my nails are looking lovely and healthy and strong :)

2. Spring is coming and yesterday OH and I actually had our lunch outside in the garden and felt the warm sun on our faces :)

3. After the trials and tribulations of TTC and I am so grateful to actually be here in Tri 1 - there are lots of ladies out there who have been trying for such a long time so I am very lucky to have got this far :)
Great idea Bella

  • I'm so happy to be here in Tri 1 after all the stress of MMC and TTC, me and hubby feel like we are on cloud 9.
  • Heading off on a wee break on tuesday to stay in our flat in the city. Then hubby will be joining me for the weekend:dance:
  • My friends in the city have organised a lovely day out next sat including a manicure and dinner
  • Have met some lovely ladies over here in tri1:wave: and got to come here with M2A and Bella. xx
Aw what a lovely thread! Great idea!!!

Well my positives are:-

I never thought I'd be a mum, I'm 31 and had been trying for 3 years before giving up last year, so when I got my surprise bfp in the new year its been amazing. Even the negatives are still things I never thought I would get the chance to experience so I value everything I feel at the moment!!!!!

My 12 week scan, utterly amazing experience, it is so amazing to see a wriggling little baby and knowing that you have created this little miracle, which has a brain and organs and a face and can move its own arms and legs, it is utterly overwhelming and the best thing!!!!

Being closer to my hubby, we've giggled over nicknames for the baby (current one is Mr Wrigglesworth!) and he is so caring now looking after me especially through the darkest days of sickness, he's really stepped up and I love having this extra bond with him!!!!
Oooooh forgot to add, its nearly easter and i'm going to use being pregnant as an excuse to stuff my face with lots of cream eggs:lolly:
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Great thread! We all need a bit of cheering up I'm sure.

- My husband became so attentive. Asking how I feel all the time, gets me nice foods and flowers and is very supportive. I find this whole experience very romantic.
- I love looking at my scan photos and thinking about that tiny little heart I saw a few days ago!
- I finish Uni very shortly, but I'm not gonna stress out about the marks and my assignments so much now. It all seems rather insignificant now.

Oh and one last thing: BOOBS! :) :) :)
What a great thread bella :) there are some many positives to being in tri 1 but they do seem to be over looked my worry and sickness. Ill be back on later to update a list of my positives as i havent got time at the moment but one i have got time to write is i get to spend my journey with all you lovely ladies :) x x

Great idea, I've been one of those focusing on the gloomy side of tri 1 as well!

It's def really exciting to think about the little life growing inside you, I've never seen my hubby so excited about anything it's all he talks about when he calls me, can't wait til he's home next weekend to spoil me!

My dog loves me just now! She become really protective of me and comes back when I walk her instead of running off! think she was first to know as she started acting different around me before I found out, funny animals arent they?

Seeing how excited my 14 year old daughter is that she's finally going to have a brother or sister is probably the best thing of all!
Oh Bella, Im so glad youve done this as worry and anxiety and being crabby had started to take over me!

Im being positive about the changes at work as theyre for the better since my boss got sacked.
I now have a great excuse to eat 'some' crap food and blame the bean.
I get to tells our Mums on Mothers Day :)
Im going to have a baby by Xmas, HOW AMAZING IS THAT!
This is such a nice idea :) x

- OH and I are hurrying up our plans to buy a house ( we were gonna wait till next year) so will have a lovely cosy new home soon, for our new family :)
- My boobs are massive (I think this is a positive :lol:)
- My hair and Nails are looking fabby too! I've been trying to quit biting them since I was wee but they are always too weak and now I've finally done it! :D x
Am really loving this thread. Put a happy tear in my eye.... :)

Things for me to be happy about:

- My OH finished the Reading Half Marathon yesterday and beat his best time bu 4 minutes and thats after having a stomach illness all week... :)
- Am pregnant and not having to go through IVF. Also means I have a little extra money to spend on maternity clothes in a few weeks.
- New dyson vaccumm arriving this week... Been wanting one for ages....
- Also bean is growing at an amazing rate and will nearly double in size this week.

May not bring tears to anyone's eyes but puts a smile on my face.... :)
well after my last m/c then possible blighted ovum with this one we are enjoying each min with the pregnancy.

got a scan next sat then our 12wk one 7th april

plus we are starting tolook at places tolive as my partner lives almost 200 miles away so in 6 months time me, my daughter a new bundle of joy will be leaving our city flat and moving to live by the sea with OH
great thread Bella!!!

my possitive thoughts and feelings are:

I am finally pregnant and in tri1 with all you lovely ladies!!!
i dont yet feel sick woop :D
I have an excuse to eat weird things, ( i do anyway but can now blame it on my bean )
I can now blame my awful wind on the bean too :blush: poor ikkle bean :p
my backache hasnt been so bad for the past day :D
and finally i get to complete my family and stop my longing for a sibling for my son alfie :)
im waiting anxiously for the postman to bring my APP for early preg scan in post :)
What a lovely idea to concentrate on nice things and stop worrying for a moment.:)))

I surprised my mum on her birthday when I told her that she's got another 50/50 chance to have a grandson ( as she's got 5 grandaughters. All 3 of my brothers got daughters only)

Me and my husband enjoy thinking that such an amazing thing is happening in my body right now. It's still hard to believe that we'll be parents by the end of this year!!!
We're following ''week by week pregnancy'' that to know what's happening with our little one every week. It's so exciting!!! It's truly amazing!!!

So let's enjoy our special moments while pregnant and let's make the best memories.
oh what a lovely idea, been lovely reading all your positives...

1)my little man is going to have a little brother or sister he can grow up with
2) my other half has been sooooo attentive and romantic since finding out im expecting our second


theres a chance we will be moving back south to be closer to our family for when this little one makes an appearance, which means no more traveling to london each week yay!!!!!

Loving the comment on easter nurse26 woopwoop good excuse we all have too lol xxx
What a lovely thread Bella!

My positives are:

I'm so excited to tell Lennon he's going to be a big brother. I just think hes going to make such a lovely big brother as hes such a generous, caring and sensitive boy.

Can't wait to get a lovely big bump again.

Can't wait for my boobs to get bigger!
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what fantastic replies girls! Have really enjoyed reading all your positives hopefully this thread will be a great pick-me-up anytime any of us feels down. And the sun is shining today which makes everything all the more fab :):bunny: x x x
I love this thread ladies- has really lifted me today! :)
My positives are.....
-My boobs are bigger (!)
-I am so happy that I get to give my parents their first grandchild (all being well!)
-I love reading week by week what's happening to little bubba, find it so amazing!
-We are FINALLY getting our new kitchen in April (it's been a long time coming) and this is going to make a real difference to the house
-My best friend who has PCOS is just about to drop and she has wanted a baby since forever! Am so happy for her :)
-The sun is shining and spring is here, find this makes a real difference to each day!
I thought Id bump this one up as Im feeling cold, crappy and tired so needed to smile a bit.
Aww I like this thread :)

Positive happenings are:

*Actually having my medication work so I don't feel bad all day long
*Managing to cook a good hearty dinner last night for the first time in 5 weeks
*having a sudden burst of energy today and did some cleaning for first time in 5 weeks :lol:
*The spring is deffo here in Germany and the sun is so nice!
*I Get to help with my 5 y/o sons easter project over the weekend!

Thanks for bumping it up Cherry x

I had a much better appointment today with adifferent mw, she is requesting a dating scan for asap, yay!

Hubby looks as though he is set to get a bonus for a work project, so we are getting nearer to our deposit for our own place, yahoo!

I am blessed with a fantastic family, amazing husband and fabulous friends xxx

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