~~THE MEET~~ Pics and stuff!!!

HayleyB said:
Lauz_1601 said:
and the guy on the moterway who called us ball brains ....well thats another story.

I missed that bit out!
Can't believe theres such a rude rude man out there!!!
Dirty perv blowing me a kiss!!! :evil:

ok heres the story. Me and Hayley were following Vicky becuase we didnt have directions, we were about to get off the moterway so needed to be behind vicky. we were trying to get across infront of a van to get behind vicky, but the man kept getting up vickys arse se we couldnt get in.
he wasnt concentrating on the road, he was blowing kisses, and help up a sign that said ball brains! Hayley stuck up the V's! anyway we got infront of vicky to let her infront of us, then he was clapping! t***er. Then he pulled out to overtake us and there was a car coming so he had to pull back, he nearly caused a bloody pile up! what an arrogant B***ard! really wound me up, couldnt he see we have babies in the car, anbd he was driving so dangerously! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Im sorry Urchin that some one wasnt happy about it being in Birmingham. No one was forced to go, and it was a long drive for many of us, but id say it was well worth it.........Even if i did nearly loose me 4 years no claims LOL (that is a story and a half!)
I think you did a fantastic job of arranging it so
:cheer: :cheer:

Im PMSL at the pics of Charlie bawling, im not surprised though thats all she did!
Im glad some one got a pic of Lydia stood still, she was fab here there and every where, bless her.

It was lovely to meet you all, and cant wait to do it again.THANKS xx
hels said:
Im sorry Urchin that some one wasnt happy about it being in Birmingham. No one was forced to go, and it was a long drive for many of us, but id say it was well worth it.........Even if i did nearly loose me 4 years no claims LOL (that is a story and a half!)

go on lets hear your story, seems we all had an eventful journey down!
i had a fun journey on the train down i always attract wierdos, some man come up to me and out of the blue said can i brush your lil girls hair. and gave her £1 and walked of :?
Hey all, just a big thankyou for a lovely day yesterday (well done Annaliese!) :)

It was so nice to see all those adorable babies, really got me in the mood for motherhood :) I'm sorry I didn't get to speak to as many mummies as I should've, don't think I ever really shook off my nerves! :?

Already looking forward to the next meet when I can bring along my little wriggler! Instead of just lugging along the almightly bump. :)

Excellent pics, everyone xxx
Aww wish I could have gone, once I get me a bubba I'm in.

All those ickle babies playing together, so cute. And Mason is gonna be heartbreaker when he grows up.

I'm glad you all had a great time :D

urchin it was a long way to come for me and manda but we both enjoyed it the park was great and the nature centre was lovely cant believe how much was there and it was really cheap to get in :D it was a lovely day although i didnt get to speak to everyone properly :( will definately come again if theres another one :D birmingham also looked a fab place to do some xmas shopping so am considering coming up closer to xmas :D
all the babies were lovely :D and so good :shock: xxx
its a good job we left when we did as we only had 20 mins to spare by time we found right platform at the station it was so confusing poor dionne had to help us we are not used to big stations in cwmbran we only have 2 platforms :shock:
thanks again urchin for a lovely day xxxxxxxxxx
Charm said:
Aww wish I could have gone, once I get me a bubba I'm in.

Was a couple of us there from TTC, so you wouldn't have been alone! :)

Hels, laura and i would like to hear your story too!!! So many manical drivers on the roads!! Evvvvil!!!

Lauz thanks for typing that story out! it would've made me mad again!!! Grrrr man!!!!! :evil:
Aw all the babies and kids playing nicely - soooooo cute!

Urchin you made the best possible decision to locate in where you did hun. all right it was too far for some of us but it was always going to be too far for someone and i dont think any of us who couldnt make it begrudge that. the minute they invent teleporting then we can all have one big meet!!!! :lol:

li love the pic of Damien clinging onto Brody for dear life - its looks like "us boys have got to stick together right Brody? mustnt get seperated by all these chicks!" :lol:

so glad you all had a lovely time despite some rough journeys by the sound of it :?


Looks like you had such a wicked time, its times like these I HATE living in Dorset, would have taken me like 7 hours in the car to get to Brum!

If you do, do it next year, I may get OH to take a couple of days off and perhaps stay in a travel lodge over night, the pics looked so good and im really sad I missed it. Im really gonna try next year! Il also have a 7month old bubba to contend with then lol

So pleased it was a success :D
on the plus side if its in the same place next year we know where it is!!
Lauz_1601 said:
hels said:
Im sorry Urchin that some one wasnt happy about it being in Birmingham. No one was forced to go, and it was a long drive for many of us, but id say it was well worth it.........Even if i did nearly loose me 4 years no claims LOL (that is a story and a half!)

go on lets hear your story, seems we all had an eventful journey down!

I'll fill you in :)

It's a long one so bear with me. The journey there was great, we found it no problem, even though Rubie started screaming for the last half hour. However, the journey back was a different story lol

The second I strapped Rubie in she was hysterical, and when I took her out of her car seat she was fine and hen I put her back she screamed :? Anyway, she was crying that hard we had to stop several times before we even got out of Birmingham!! As you can imagine we were all very stressed as the sound of an inconsolable baby (expecially your own) is very distressing. Hels foot slipped off the brake at traffic lights and she rolled into the car behind!! When the man got out she just blatently denied it!! :rotfl:

Then on one of our stops I realised my bag was missing out of the back of the car - I'd only gone and left it in the road on one of the stops!! So we headed back, got lost, turned round and drove round and eventually spotted the bag but we couldn't stop or turn around, then ended up on the bloody motorway going the wrong way!! So we came off at the next exit and had to find the bag again! Got it eventually but it took us ages to get out of Birmingham in rush hour traffic. I had to squeeze into the back between 2 car seats and try to console both babies and feed Charlie. Roo slept the whole way home but Charlie wouldn't stop crying unless I sang twinkle twinkle little star!! lmao

Was glad to be back I can tell you!! :D :rotfl:
omg kim what a nightmare for you both!!
Glad you got your bag back ok! :)
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

i'm so sorry kim but the thought of you spotting your bag and then having to drive away from it and then getting on the motorway ....... :rotfl: i know it cant have been funny but it all sounds like a Mr Bean episode!!

you poor things though, never funny when its happening is it?

thank god your bag was still there :shock: its a miracle it wasnt pinched!

lol kim sounds fun. i can just about fit inbetween Dior and Harleys car seat its so uncomfy lol
Helen blatently denying rolling back!! :rotfl:

Glad you found your bag!!!

As Em said sounds a bit mr bean esque!!

Rush hour traffic sucks!!!

We should've probably given it another half an hour before leaving and followed the rush hour instead of being in it! lol!!!

OH NO what a nighmare! thank god you got your bag back. Ella was the same as rubie on the way there, we stopped to cuddle her and calm her down about 3 times but as soon as she was in her car seat she'd scream again it was horrible I wanted to cry! Hayley was sat in the back with her feeding her buscuits and yoghurts but nothing was working!

Oh well at least we all made it home in one piece! :clap:
Here are my pics, sorry there are loads and they are quite similar!!

Rubie looks either a right grump or drunk on most of them, bless her!! :D

Seren's checking out Damiens shoes lol

Rubie is pushing Seren over (getting her back for meadowhall)

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