~~THE MEET~~ Pics and stuff!!!

im just jelous beanie :cry:

my poor lil shriveled berries :rotfl:
Lauz & I had the same problem with Ella wanting her mum on the way there!
I jumped in the back and tried feeding her just didn't work!!

Think me and lauz were close to crying after about an hour of her crying!!

Glad we're all home safely though!!!

HayleyB said:
Wobbles was glad you stuck your head out the door of the tea room when i was outside "cooling down" lol :roll: And Rach came and joined us!!!
Your Charlie was gorgeous!!! bless her! Esp when dior was in her pram "miiiiiiiinnnneeeee" bless!!
Yer kinda got the feeling you'd be out there nervous, I was same but had Laura holding my hand :lol:

I couldn't believe Charley did that :shock: Shes usually such a good sharer but I know she was hyper tired! An poor Dior looked a bit tired on her feet bless.
Yeah was nervous, and needed a cig!
Sly smokers!! :rotfl:
Should've borrowed a baby for the day, good excuse to get into the thick of things!!!

Charley was so gorgeous... when you were getting ready to go she looked soooooooooo tired "i'm going now" and when i asked about the animals her eyes lit up so much!!

Will be falling into bed anytime now, eyes so tired!!! :sleep:
She fell sleep in the car half way home & some how the way her head was we kept hearing *thud* we weren't even going over bumps pr turning fast etc an she was still out cold :lol:

Came home let her sleep a while but woke her up for chips which :cheer: she ate because it was interesting to dip them in gravy :cheer: Least I got something down her again today.

She's up now though fighting her sleep on couch but awful quiet :D

Get to bed woman :hug:
Will be off in a min, just watching the end of BB!
Ella slept the whole way home! Was so cute, she was telling a story that involved saying "dada" alots, then next second she was sleeping! bless!!!

Forgot to say Kina, your peanut looks so so cute!!! :hug:

I'm chuffed we got some great pics :)

I feel bad people struggled to get home...mind you, we didn't help ourselves leaving at 5.15. Next time we should eat out for tea somewhere to miss the rush hour.

P.S. I hope people didn't mind me organising the group photos and the nature centre visit etc....I didn't want it to seem like I was taking over....I hope everyone was happy with how it went.
I was really happy!!
Was made up that you waited for us to get there before going to the nature centre!! Thank you so so much!!!

Really glad i came! Wish i'd been more confident!!! :wall:

Thank you so so so so much!!! :hug:
by the way I'm sorry to the person who said "it's a stupid idea to have the meeting in Birmingham"

No-one was forced to come, I thought it was a good idea because people were coming from all over the country, and it makes sense to have it in a central place. When we started organising the meet anyone could have suggested anywhere they wanted.
Would a Scotland meet be "stupid" just because not everyone on this forum lives in Scotland?

It seems you can't please everyone, but hey, I gave it my best shot.
Im glad you all got on well, im so jealous... been nagging OH to buy me a car so I can come to the next meet :dance:
I'm glad you all had a good day.

Central is sensible i reckon.

I will get to the next one if Amy starts behaving!!
no urchun u wernt taking over atall u done a great job, good day out I'm going to go there woth kris dior and harl 1 day was well impressed
urchin said:

haha land ahoy!!!!!!
no urchun u wernt taking over atall u done a great job, good day out I'm going to go there woth kris dior and harl 1 day was well impressed
dionne said:
no urchun u wernt taking over atall u done a great job, good day out I'm going to go there woth kris dior and harl 1 day was well impressed

It's a fab place Dionne, there's loads more we didn't see too!
beanie said:
urchin said:

haha land ahoy!!!!!!

That random goat wandering round made me giggle!!
he was very cute!!!

I was very impressed with the park! If it hadn't rained we'd have had sooooo much space to picnic!!

Think Graham wants to come next time!! He's looking at all the pictures going awwwww at all the cuties!!!!

I thought I had only taken a few photos but I have tons!!!

Here are the first lot

Ella, Charlie, Rubie, Seren and Georgia (notice the fight for the toy in the middle)

Mason and Ella

Seren and Lawson( who would not look at the camera)

Manda and Abby, Xena and Lydia

Xena, Lydia, Ddior, Dionne and Harley


The only pic I could get of Lydia staying still

Harley chillin


Kim, Kina and Hels with Seren, Rubie, Ella and Charlie

Charlie was teething


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