The long rocky road to my BFP


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2017
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Decided to start this thread because I find it calming to write about what I am feeling, physically and emotionally.

It's cycle number 2,345,765.43 and I'm currently in the 2ww :whistle:

My body seemed to gear up for ovulation from CD18 through to CD29. I didn’t test regularly with an OPK so I didn’t pick up the surge. However, I had on CD26 ample amounts of ewcm and ovulation cramps, which I worried that I might have done the deed too late as we had bd’d on the Monday prior (4 days). We did however dtd and voila! Interesting little tid bit...I've found the last few cycles that my sweat is starting to smell more prominent, especially after exercise. I never used to have body odor at all. It is particularly musky around O time, especially in the morning when I wake up.

1dpo to 2dpo – my breasts have been rather sensitive, especially my nipples and they feel warm and a bit fuller. I have also had a lot of cramping, bloating, gas and stomach discomfort. Skin looks ok but still getting an oily complexion and pimples. Been having nausea on and off. I've been having that electric shooting pain in my left breast I usually have around O time so hopefully this was it. Been in a great mood the last two days.

3dpo – Still some cramping on and off. There are a few jolts of crotch lightning going on. Had some scant ewcm today but other than that I’m dry. A few more pimples and oily complexion. Oily skin usually indicates that O has taken place so that's good. Fatigued although I have small bursts of energy during the day and now, at almost 10pm in the evening too, hoping it won't be another case of insomnia. Been having crazy weird dreams. My boobs are fine today, still having the odd pang in the breast, but my nipples seem to have calmed down. They no longer hurt. There is some, although barely noticeable back pain to the right. I don’t really plan on having any major symptoms until after I have my BFP. The HCG hormone still needs to kick in. Constipation today, didn’t have the need to go to the loo this morning and haven’t been able to go today at all. This might also explain my stomach discomfort. I've got a stuffy nose too so I'm not experiencing any super hound dog smelling abilities. I've been in a really good mood today.

4dpo – Had a tough time waking up this morning, I was thiiiiiiiis close to over sleeping! Woke up three times during the night to pee. Had a 'sort of almost there' bowel movement but I'm still feeling constipated. Upping on my fiber and water intake and if it doesn't get better in two days I'll take a natural help-me-poo supplement. Had the strangest dreams last night, can't remember all of them except the one I had before I woke up about a mother hen and her chicks. They were tiny little things who didn't run away and if you hold one in your hand it felt all squishy like a water balloon. Meh. Feeling slightly queezy this morning, but not so that it bothers me. My skin is looking not so great. Having acne like pimples all along my jaw line, big cyst like muthaf:x's that just won't pop. Been feeling hungry the whole time but that is normal for me after O. Tired today...just tired, feels like I can get back into bed and sleep for a year. My breasts feel fine, not sore or anything like that. I think you can only expect breast changes after a bfp anyway, unless you have good HCG levels prompting your body's response to pregnancy. At this stage I'm just happy that I have O'd. Can't wait to test! Bought a first response test - it's really crap when you are paying for a product in pounds with Rands....anyway, I'm feeling good today. Was a little bit crabby but luckily DH defused the situation with his sexy blue eyes...ggrrr yum!
~Update~ Nose is quite stuffy and my neck is pretty stiff. I'm also feeling low on energy. Not enough to sleep but rather to lay on my couch and do absolutely nothing at all. My breasts feel a bit lumpy, almost like the glands are starting to swell a bit. It's not been sensitive but there were a few moments during the day, here and there, that I had a burning sensation. I've had a few cramps and I'm bloated. Implantation isn't scheduled for another three or four days from now...but then again...I might have O'd earlier than I think seeing as how I rebelled against tracking it.
~UPDATE~ Oh my gosh. Went running tonight. I nearly died. Had the most horrible cramping, felt like my uterus was going to fall out of my vagina. My legs were like cement blocks dragging a long. Chest was burning. It was horrible, now I have this horrible little cough that feels like water on my lungs. The joy of post O. Hehehe

5dpo – Went deep sea fishing and it was amazing. Was lucky enough not to become sea sick but had a bit of motion sickness afterwards which was bleh. Still constipated, which sucks. Had some cramping too, which I assume is from the constipation. Too early for any pregnancy symptoms. Had some surprising discharge, it was a tiny amount, egg white consistency with orange/brown blood (stained not dark). It didn't last long, when I went to the loo after it was gone. Could be implantation bleeding but then again might not. Neck is still stiff. Nose stuffy. But I'm relaxed and in a good mood.

:egg::temp: :2ww::clock::bfp::dust: :bfp:
:egg::temp: :2ww::clock::bfp::dust: :bfp:

6dpo – So, any day now the egg will hatch and implant into the uterus. Having some lower back pain but not too bad. CM is starting to increase, its sticky now. Still having some slight cramping on and off. Skin looks better. Energy levels vary between medium to low. Neck still stiff. Hungry the whole time. So meh that I ate McDonalds...shouldn't have, that stuff is poison. Feeling good today, relaxed!

7dpo – Not a lot of difference, really except the odd bout of nausea and breast discomfort - mostly in the evenings. Also, I went to the loo for a wee and when I wiped there was a small amount of bright red blood. I checked but it was not coming from my vagina or anus. After an extensive search (yeah, one would think it would be easy to pin point where it comes from) I found no clues. It's like something from the twilight zone!

8dpo - No increased CM at all. It's really scant and sticky. Having a bit of vaginal irritation, I don't think it's thrush because there is no increased discharge (either yellow or VB which is grey) - it's just itchy and slightly burning but not when I urinate. Had some cramping and bloating too. Breast discomfort, again only in the evening.

9dpo – Are my eyes playing tricks on me or are my nipples darker.....mmmm....either way, breasts were a bit more sensitive (funny how it only starts in the evening!) I'm out of breath too if I walk too fast, or up stairs etc. Had a tad bit of trouble breathing, like my chest is closing up. Throat a bit sensitive so I'm hoping it's not flu. Vagina is still not feeling too well. Had another bit of blood and found that it was my left vulva!!!!!! WTF???? We hadn't been having rough sex and I don't wipe so hard that it would warrant I'm hoping it's a good sign, maybe increased blood flow and tenderness...still no increased CM...and I have a very strong smell down there (not the smell you get from an infection - more like, how do I explain it...still like me but x 100). Also had the strangest sensation on my right hand side, lower abdomen, like the muscle was twitching or contracting....and my skin is OILY. Usually the oiliness would have passed by now. I only get it a day or two after O then it goes away. No bad breakouts so far.

10dpo – Some cramping. Vaginal discomfort continues. So far, no blood. Going to go for a wax so we'll see if I bleed to death after that. Extra thirsty, like my mouth dries up quicker. Sliiiight nausea and light headedness. Boobs are burning and chest as well. Nipples sensitive. This is the first time ever that my boobs have been acting up. So, if this is not pregnancy then PRAISE GOD my hormones are finally at the level where they need to be!!!! I am SO forgetful ridiculously so. I have forgotten two important meetings in one week...that is not like me. Also, more hungry and I have a lot more energy than what I usually have. Mood is good. Testing in 4 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~UPDATE~ Just had some cloudy ewcm and feeling a bit queezy, also bloated and feeling energized.
IDIOT ALERT did a test and it was a :bfn:

11dpo - strong uterine cramping while jogging. No breast sensitivity at all. Other than that nothing.

12dpo – Stuffy nose, breasts are slightly tender (on and off) very bloated, headache, tired and cm was a pale yellow and watery. Could be somekind of bacterial infection as it feels tender. Will keep an eye on it. No smell at all. Still having some bleeding from a small tear that isn't healing. Slightly nauseas.

13dpo – Had a blob of dark red and brown mucus like blood when I wiped. I assumed that my period is starting earlier. No need for a panty liner just yet. Went brown and thin. Not too much present after a bowel movement. Cramping, sore muscles and slight headache. No boob tenderness.

14dpo – Woke up at 4am with massive cramping. Was sure to find bright red blood but nothing. Passed wind and it died down. No spotting yet. Back pain, neck pain and headache. Tired although I slept till 9am!!! Stuffy and itchy nose. No breast tenderness.

15dpo - :bfn: the :witch: arrived
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Lovely to see you back kat. Taking a wee break after having another mmc but heard on grapevine you were back so had to.come back briefly to say hello.good luck in your ongoing journey.hopefully it will happen very soon xx
:hugs: thanks Melly, I'm so sorry to hear about your mmc. Wish there was something more I could say xxx
Lovely to see you back kat. Taking a wee break after having another mmc but heard on grapevine you were back so had to.come back briefly to say hello.good luck in your ongoing journey.hopefully it will happen very soon xx

Oh no Mellly I am so sorry this is devestating news . I am sending you hugs xx
Thanks girls....must be v unlucky as mmc are rare let alone 2 in a row! Just wasnt meant to be so decided not to try anymore. Just hope you both get some well deserved good news soon x
After December I decided that very same thing, Melly. I just wasn't up for it anymore. I was tired of hoping. Tired of trying. Tired of balling my eyes out. Tired of the million questions about why it just wasn't happening. I think that shutting off for a while actually helped me a lot. Now, I don't feel the same as I used to before about TTC. Guess I'm just carrying on, I suppose.

:hugs: wish there was something I could do for you, you really don't deserve this. None of us do xxxx
Thanks kat. Im ok and feel like ive come to terms with it. Just hope it happens for you. You must have seen from your ttc journal how much we all missed you! Think you did the right think taking a break as it takes its toll xx
Welcome back! Does sound like you needed it though, which is definitely important in the crappy world of TTC. xx

I hope 2018 brings you some positive news, I have high hopes for this year!
Welcome back Kat!! We've all missed you around here!!
In the middle of a break myself after another cp but wanted to say I've missed you too xx
yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat <3
Oh sorry ladies didn't realise that you were following. Had spotting starting at 12dpo and full blown AF on 15dpo. My heart sank but I'm not giving up hope. Seeing my gyni on the 9th as I'll be reaching the one year mark. Will see what she says xxx
Sorry to hear it ended in af for you. Hope it goes well with the gynae.
Sorry Kat hunni. I am still here trying too. I know its rotten but we got to keep going x

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