The last few days lead up...


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2010
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0 the witch. Don't you just hate it? Full of dread everytime you go to the loo and wipe! Even when you know she's coming. :dohh:

I almost just want it to be over now, but hate that moment when you notice she's arrived.

init just!! ive been to the loo about 10-12 times.. had bad cramps around 6
had a lay down.. now nothing.. i can see her coming tonight tho..
and i know deep down we are out as we havent tried really this month
but i know ill still be gutted.. good luck xxxxx
yep i feel you hun,something we all dread every month :(
positive thoughts!! well we can try
:violin:yep shes horrible, I woke up with cramps yesterday but had nothing today, Im still hoping but in my heart I know she's just around the corner.. roll on Friday when I shall just start this whole thing all over again... on a lighter note, lovely hubby has brought me a ripple from the garage so going to indulge myself with some chocolate to cheer myself up x
I hate hate hate it! Hope she comes Fri night. I've got the house to myself, can get a chick flick, chocolate and feel sorry for myself properly! lol.

G'luck girls. Hope it's good news for you all.xx
Well she came to me tonight but i'm with you! it is horrible! she is just a dreadful little shit!!!

remember tho....your still in!!!! :yay:

:dust: :dust: :dust: for you my lovely
I know, feels like we haven't had a bfp for ages!! X
ok im dishing these out to give us all some positive vibes for someone somewhere to get a:bfp:x
dont forget the :merry: and :party:

seeing as i hit the bottle!!! :rofl:
I'm with you on that one Hun!! Literally I've not got long either!

I have a fear of white loo roll! Do you reckon you can buy red loo roll anywhere??

I've got til Sunday, what about you?

agreed smokey.. we need at LEAST one.. seems a shame for the :witch: to get us all!! xx
I'm with you on that one Hun!! Literally I've not got long either!

I have a fear of white loo roll! Do you reckon you can buy red loo roll anywhere??

I've got til Sunday, what about you?


Anytime from tonight to next week in reality. Was 29 days last month and my average is 32. Am cd28 today. Might be the same day as you, if going with the 32. Had back pain earlier and know it won't be long. Hope its Friday so I can drown my sorrows! ;)

Hope she doesn't visit you hun, you really deserve your BFP, would be so pleased for you.

I know girls this sucks! Its been what.. 2 weeks since an announcement??

I think I'm Gunna be out too though .. Got the AF type cramps - she's due on Saturday/Sunday Grrrrrr - I've got my baseball bat at the ready - this witch is going DOWN!!
agreed smokey.. we need at LEAST one.. seems a shame for the :witch: to get us all!! xx

too right!! there has to be somone that the witch will forget this month!!!!

a bfp announcment would cheer me up no end!!!!
I know what you mean AF is due on sunday, ive had cramps for a few days now so i think its just a matter of time.
well ladies....i am 11dpo tonight and i am so pleased to announce......


you all know i get married in 36 weeks so a bfp this month would be...ermmm...tight!

so going to try not to ttc in april and then bring on May!

I really hope all you lovely ladies are already in tri 1 before May xx

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