The Jeremy Kyle Thread

Cant wait for maternity leave and I can enjoy it everyday. Last year when I was off sick I saw one. This woman wanted a paternity test, there were 3 potential fathers. When the results came back - it was none of them. She had a one night stand!
Not knowing who the father to your baby is is one thing, but that is something else!
Completely agree, can't wait for my maternity leave to start!

I love programmes like this.
Jeremy Kyle is just so funny!!!! He is great, I do feel a bit sorry for the people sometimes cos all he does is SHOUT and im sure they must be deaf by the time they leave the studio.

But he doesnt mince his words which is admirable and sometimes he says such harsh things to people you cant help but laugh and think, 'How does he have the nerve to do that???'

Keep playing it, beats Trisha hands down!
JaidyBaby said:

Keep playing it, beats Trisha hands down!

yeah defo, trisha is to "normal" i like the wierdos. more entertaining :lol:
dionne said:
JaidyBaby said:

Keep playing it, beats Trisha hands down!

yeah defo, trisha is to "normal" i like the wierdos. more entertaining :lol:

And she looks like a rhinocerous I think :?
Dionne, did you see the people that were on yesterday. There was a girl who had had burns to her head and she GAVE PERMISSION for her partner to sleep with her best friend and then they went on to do it FOUR more times?????

Now that was messed up. And the worse thing was he asked her to marry him at the end and she said yes!!!!!!

yes they were the oddest 4 people i have ever seen. and she was trying to claim rape in front of 1000,s that girl was as jeremy would say "a doormat"

and the boyfriend of the girl who slept with him 4times, the last one to come out.... he was a good loking chap eh?
go and have alook at his profile on wikipedia, very interesting and evrythings true about him and that bride off the radio!!!
dionne said:
Sorry but i just love this show i watch it every day.

so i had to make a thread so we can discuss some of the strange people in the world :lol:

any one watch it this morning
"did my fiance sleep with my mum"
what a pillock :shock:

i watched that one D . I can't believe such folk a rutting around i really can't. :talkhand:
dionne said:
yes they were the oddest 4 people i have ever seen. and she was trying to claim rape in front of 1000,s that girl was as jeremy would say "a doormat"

and the boyfriend of the girl who slept with him 4times, the last one to come out.... he was a good loking chap eh?

Yeah that was really shocking....I was thinking you stupid girl you are going to get yourself in deep poop in a minute! I cant believe she would rather LIE to save her face and make out he raped her. Madness.

They were all very erm, different, looking! The whole story made me feel quite sick tbh :puke:
budge said:
dionne said:
Sorry but i just love this show i watch it every day.

so i had to make a thread so we can discuss some of the strange people in the world :lol:

any one watch it this morning
"did my fiance sleep with my mum"
what a pillock :shock:

i watched that one D . I can't believe such folk a rutting around i really can't. :talkhand:

and for the mum to gie the statment that she loved her daughter but it was a mistake. at least she could have told her before she got on tv :shock:
I just don't iunderstand why anyone would want to go on national tv and talk about their problems. Especially half of the people that do go on as theyare severely fucked up to say the least!

Last thing i think about when i'm having any problems is "Oh think i'll phone Jezza Kyle, see if he can help" :lol:
:shhh: careful guys you never know, some of the people that go on the show might also come on this forum :rotfl:

also they all look like they might web-rage you :shock:

I love the show and I think he is sexy too. Ive always wanted to see what his wife looks like-can anyone shed any light?

I would really like a night with him, and Bradley Walsh! :shock:
i watched one episode and there was a slapper on who didn't know the father of her child,. It was one of two people so she said. Both men were there. Both bricking themselves.
Any way the DNA tests came thruogh and neither man was the father. The girl sort of looked perplexed and i just thought NO way!!!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

that programme reduces me to silence and thats rare you know.
I love it when the lie detector is '' wrong'' hahaha! chyeah right!
K X said:
I love the show and I think he is sexy too. Ive always wanted to see what his wife looks like-can anyone shed any light?

I would really like a night with him, and Bradley Walsh! :shock:

:shock: :shock: :shock:

As in the one off corrie????

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