The high school reunion effect?


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2006
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Has anyone experienced this?
You know when you havent seen someone for ages and they have totally changed from the way they were when you last seen them?
For example the shy geeky plain jane who turned out to be a glamour model, or the popular guy you fancied who turned out to be a fat lazy slob with a huge beergut! or the really overweight kid who lost all their weight. perhaps your ex totally changed after you split up and you we glad you escaped in time :rotfl: .
or were you the person that totally changed and people couldnt recognise you anymore?

come on lets hear your stories :D
i havnt been to one, but i know most people wouldnt recognise me. I only left 2 years ago and iv changed so much!! :dance: :cheer:
haha yeah, i was a lanky geeky scruffy kid and a real loner, I got bullied and harassed all through school. Then just a few years after leaving school I was singing in a rock band and a couple of old school "friends" were at a gig, they didnt know it was me till afterwards when I went and said hello, they couldn believe it :rotfl:

And one of the school hunks who everyone fancied, I saw him about 5 years after leaving school and he was the most vain, stuck up his own bottom action man look-a-like ive ever seen and such a twat!!
Yes lots of times - the girl who was v plain and quiet at school who last time she visited me was incredibly glam and leading a v glam life in London, the girl who even up to the age of 25 never wanted children, loved work and partying who is now due her 4th child in a few months and can't decide whether to stop at 5 or 6, the v pretty girl I went to primary school with (always played Mary in the nativity :x ) now lives next door to me and hasn't changed her hair, make up or dress sense since we were 16, looks a bit rough to say the least :twisted: the v well behaved, quiet and traditional Muslim girl who now lives with her girlfriend in Brighton and is a serious campaigner for gay rights.....

I feel quite ordinary now :D
All the stuck up cows that were really thin at school have got fatter and all the ones who were abit porky have grown really slim and attractive. Its great!!! :cheer:
frangelle said:
All the stuck up cows that were really thin at school have got fatter and all the ones who were abit porky have grown really slim and attractive. Its great!!! :cheer:

Now thats what you call karma :lol:
thats really wierd because all the people i kew at school are exacty the same.
I try not to spenmd time with most of my friends from school if im honest thye werent really friends i hung around with the most popular girls ones that werent tbh very nice (although i was hehe) i am still friends with a couple but tbh i made my friends from work etc.

I suppose there is poetic justice in the fact that one of my particular "friends" who was basically a cow to everyone, even those she called friends is built like a house now and is tbh mahoosive! :D yes the one who used to let us all know we were ugly is now absoloutly huge is in a relationship where her OH is always out and she doesnt have many friends now. In fact she hasnt changed her personality either so not only is she fat, ugly but everyone knows shes a cow now!
I went to a 10 year reunion in 1999 and one of the girls who was nicknamed Penfold because she was short, fat and wore bottle bottom glasses like this

anyway she turned up, was sleek, wore very high heels, danced with her girlfriend, snogged her on the dancefloor then left to lots of jaw drops :rotfl:

Classic! Go girl! :cheer:
i havent seen anyone from school since i left! (apart from 3 of my friends who are still my friends)

i was kinda quiet in school and very skinny and mousey looking, so i'v certainly changed!
i was short, cheeky and loud at school - havent changed one bit!! :lol: :lol:

but i was one of those girls who was like 'if i got pregnant at a young age i wouldnt have it' - ahem look at my Jam lol!! :oops: :lol: :lol:

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