The F Word last night


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2006
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Did anyone watch it?

If you did you'll know what I mean when I say Im never eating lamb again!!!!

I was nearly in tears cos it was so horrible :puke: :cry: :puke: :cry:
Lamb, chicken, pigs (bacon, sausage, pork etc) it's all killed the same way. Hense one of the reasons people turn vegetarian.

I just thought those conga eels were disgusting.
I couldn't watch the slaughter bit,.

I'm not a great fan of eating lamb anyway, but I do enjoy meat and agree that you should be aware of where it comes from etc - but it really does upset me.
Yeah it was horrible. I had to turn over so never seen what happened after they stunned then.
i just watched the bit before bb and i couldnt find the remote fast enough i nearly cried :cry:
I think out of all the ways to kill a lamb it was the nicest way. Its just because when they do it it makes you realise your eating something that was running around at one point. I dont think theres anything wrong with the way there killed, i just cant watch it :shock:
Did none of you grow up near farms? I used to visit the abbatoir once a week to get the meat when I was younger and see the animals go into slaughter and visited friends farms where the animals were for meat.
Our family have also kept chickens and rabbits for food and my dad would bring in fish he's caught and gut and prepare them in the kitchen. We also raised eggs at school to become chickens that we knew would go on to be eaten.
i suppose if you have been brought up around it its different...but i know i havent and it does upset me seeing it a bit...but its just the way the world works i suppose :|
I spent most of my childhood on farms (didn't live on one though)

I did know how it all happens and I am all for knowing where you food comes from etc - but I still couldn't watch.
I was OK once the skin had been removed - then it was just a carcass and I was OK watching the organs removed.

I am squeemish in general to be honest and can't even watch animals being given injections and have to look away!
Im dead funny with meat and stuff, like if its on a plate in front of me I'll enjoy it but when I buy cooked chickens and stuff I cant pull it to pieces and cut the meat off :puke:

But last night, bloody hell...I'm not naive and I know how slaughtering animals works but I didn't expect it to be so...I dunno what word to use :?

I would've switched it over but Daniel wanted to see it so I watched it with my hand over my mouth in horror!

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